עקוב אחר
Paulino Silva
Paulino Silva
Professor Adjunto | Polytechnic University of Porto
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין iscap.ipp.pt
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Performance management in primary healthcare services: evidence from a field study
P Silva, A Ferreira
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 7 (4), 424-449, 2010
Pesquisa intervencionista: um ensaio sobre as oportunidades e riscos para pesquisa brasileira em contabilidade gerencial
JCT Oyadomari, PL da Silva, OR de Mendonça Neto, EL Riccio
Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, 244-265, 2014
O contributo dos métodos qualitativos na investigação em contabilidade de gestão
R Silva, P Silva
Indagatio Didactica 5 (2), 1047-1063, 2013
The contribution of business simulation to improve management competencies
P Silva, R Silva
EDULEARN15 Proceedings, 6130-6136, 2015
Teaching accounting and management through business simulation: a case study
PL Silva, JF Santos, I Vieira
Business Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2018
Exploring the public reaction to COVID-19 news on social media in Portugal
L Oliveira, A Sequeira, A Oliveira, P Silva, A Mesquita
Proceedings of the ECSM 2021 8th European Conference on Social Media, 167-176, 2021
The Workforce of the Future-Projects and Initiatives to Overcome the Challenges Enacted by the Digital Transformation
A Mesquita, A Oliveira, A Sequeira, L Oliveira, P Silva
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems: Proceedings of ICOTTS …, 2019
Business Simulation–An Aplication of Learning by Doing Approach
P Silva, R Silva
ICERI2014 Proceedings, 1621-1627, 2014
Sadness, negativity, and uncertainty in education during COVID-19 on social media
L Oliveira, P Silva, A Mesquita, AS Sequeira, A Oliveira
International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 12 (1), 1-21, 2022
Family Business Transfer: The Importance of Continuing the Business
P Silva, R Silva
Advances in Economics and Business 2 (5), 184-190, 2014
Improving Management skills through business simulation
P Silva, R Bertuzi da Silva
EDULEARN12, 2012
Management information systems and technologies in public hospitals
JM Silva Luzia, RF Bertuzi da Silva, PM Leite da Silva, AJ Balloni
The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology …, 2016
Vantagens e dificuldades na gestão do desempenho organizacional: percepção de gestores de PMES brasileiras e portuguesas
FC Belokurows, SC Bortoluzzi, PML Silva
Gestão & Planejamento-G&P 18, 2017
Business simulation courses: an alternative teaching methodology for accountants and managers
P Silva, R Bertuzi
INTED2016 Proceedings, 7492-7500, 2016
The Entre4Future project
P Silva, A Mesquita, R Bertuzi da Silva
INTED 2016, 2016
Context, input and process as critical elements for successful emergency remote learning
L Oliveira, A Mesquita, A Sequeira, A Oliveira, P Silva
World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 81-91, 2021
Challenges when preparing and implementing in e/b-learning courses: Lessons learned
P Peres, P Silva, A Mesquita
European Conference on e-Learning, 431-438, 2017
The importance of the competences learned in the first job
R Silva, P Silva
ICERI2016 Proceedings, 1284-1291, 2016
A Importância da Simulação Empresarial nas Instituições de Ensino Superior: o Exemplo do ISCAP-IPP
P Silva, RB Silva
Revista Contabilidade E Empresas, 2013
Custeio baseado em atividades: concepção e implementação numa empresa de serviços
CHO de Almeida
PQDT-Global, 2013
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