מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Kornelius Nielschלמידע נוסף
לא זמינים באתר כלשהו: 81
Thermoelectric nanostructures: from physical model systems towards nanograined composites
K Nielsch, J Bachmann, J Kimling, H Böttner
Advanced Energy Materials 1 (5), 713-731, 2011
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Are binary copper sulfides/selenides really new and promising thermoelectric materials?
G Dennler, R Chmielowski, S Jacob, F Capet, P Roussel, S Zastrow, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 4 (9), 1301581, 2014
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Micro-thermoelectric devices
Q Zhang, K Deng, L Wilkens, H Reith, K Nielsch
Nature Electronics 5 (6), 333-347, 2022
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Large thermoelectric power factor enhancement observed in InAs nanowires
PM Wu, J Gooth, X Zianni, SF Svensson, JG Gluschke, KA Dick, ...
Nano letters 13 (9), 4080-4086, 2013
הרשאות: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Screening strategy for developing thermoelectric interface materials
L Xie, L Yin, Y Yu, G Peng, S Song, P Ying, S Cai, Y Sun, W Shi, H Wu, ...
Science 382 (6673), 921-928, 2023
הרשאות: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Integrated microthermoelectric coolers with rapid response time and high device reliability
G Li, J Garcia Fernandez, DA Lara Ramos, V Barati, N Perez, I Soldatov, ...
Nature Electronics 1 (10), 555-561, 2018
הרשאות: European Commission
Thermoelectric properties of topological insulator Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3, and Bi2Se3 thin film quantum wells
H Osterhage, J Gooth, B Hamdou, P Gwozdz, R Zierold, K Nielsch
Applied Physics Letters 105 (12), 2014
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Optimizations of Pulsed Plated p and n‐type Bi2Te3‐Based Ternary Compounds by Annealing in Different Ambient Atmospheres
C Schumacher, KG Reinsberg, R Rostek, L Akinsinde, S Baessler, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (1), 95-104, 2013
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Synergetic Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance by Selective Charge Anderson Localization–Delocalization Transition in n-Type Bi-Doped PbTe/Ag2Te …
MH Lee, JH Yun, G Kim, JE Lee, SD Park, H Reith, G Schierning, ...
ACS nano 13 (4), 3806-3815, 2019
הרשאות: US Department of Energy
Magnetic properties of cylindrical diameter modulated Ni 80 Fe 20 nanowires: interaction and coercive fields
MS Salem, P Sergelius, RM Corona, J Escrig, D Görlitz, K Nielsch
Nanoscale 5 (9), 3941-3947, 2013
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Magneto-thermopower and magnetoresistance of single Co-Ni alloy nanowires
T Böhnert, V Vega, AK Michel, VM Prida, K Nielsch
Applied Physics Letters 103 (9), 2013
הרשאות: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
State with spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry above the superconducting phase transition
V Grinenko, D Weston, F Caglieris, C Wuttke, C Hess, T Gottschall, ...
Nature Physics 17 (11), 1254-1259, 2021
הרשאות: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation, Swedish Research …
Optimization of Electrodeposited p‐Doped Sb2Te3 Thermoelectric Films by Millisecond Potentiostatic Pulses
C Schumacher, KG Reinsberg, L Akinsinde, S Zastrow, S Heiderich, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (3), 345-352, 2012
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Magnetic reversal of cylindrical nickel nanowires with modulated diameters
K Pitzschel, J Bachmann, S Martens, JM Montero-Moreno, J Kimling, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (3), 2011
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Stoichiometry controlled, single‐crystalline Bi2Te3 nanowires for transport in the basal plane
N Peranio, E Leister, W Töllner, O Eibl, K Nielsch
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (1), 151-156, 2012
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Magnetic, multilayered nanotubes of low aspect ratios for liquid suspensions
R Zierold, Z Wu, J Biskupek, U Kaiser, J Bachmann, CE Krill III, K Nielsch
Advanced functional materials 21 (2), 226-232, 2011
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Electrochemical and in situ magnetic study of iron/iron oxide films oxidized and reduced in KOH solution for magneto-ionic switching
K Duschek, M Uhlemann, H Schlörb, K Nielsch, K Leistner
Electrochemistry Communications 72, 153-156, 2016
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
A comparison study of dislocation density, recrystallization and grain growth among nickel, FeNiCo ternary alloy and FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy
P Thirathipviwat, G Song, J Jayaraj, J Bednarcik, H Wendrock, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 790, 266-273, 2019
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
Constrained order in nanoporous alumina with high aspect ratio: smart combination of interference lithography and hard anodization
JM Montero Moreno, M Waleczek, S Martens, R Zierold, D Görlitz, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (13), 1857-1863, 2014
הרשאות: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
Enhanced magneto-thermoelectric power factor of a 70 nm Ni-nanowire
R Mitdank, M Handwerg, C Steinweg, W Töllner, M Daub, K Nielsch, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (10), 2012
הרשאות: German Research Foundation
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