Jacek Osiewalski
Jacek Osiewalski
Professor of economic sciences, Cracow University of Economics (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie)
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Stochastic frontier models: A Bayesian perspective
J van den Broeck, G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Econometrics 61 (2), 273-303, 1994
Bayesian efficiency analysis through individual effects: Hospital cost frontiers
G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Econometrics 76 (1-2), 77-105, 1997
Modeling and inference with υ-spherical distributions
C Fernandez, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of the American Statistical Association 90 (432), 1331-1340, 1995
Posterior analysis of stochastic frontier models using Gibbs sampling
G Koop, MFJ Steel, J Osiewalski
Computational Statistics 10, 353-373, 1995
On the use of panel data in stochastic frontier models with improper priors
C Fernandez, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Econometrics 79 (1), 169-193, 1997
The components of output growth: A stochastic frontier analysis
G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 61 (4), 455-487, 1999
Modeling the sources of output growth in a panel of countries
G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 18 (3), 284-299, 2000
Measuring the sources of output growth in a panel of countries
G Koop, J Osiewalski, M Steel
CORE Discussion Papers, 1995
Bayesian efficiency analysis with a flexible form: The AIM cost function
G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 12 (3), 339-346, 1994
Bayesian efficiency analysis with a flexible cost function
G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
DES-Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics. WS, 1993
Ekonometria bayesowska w zastosowaniach
J Osiewalski
Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, 2001
Wprowadzenie do ekonometrii w przykładach i zadaniach
A Goryl, Z Jędrzejczyk, K Kukuła, J Osiewalski, A Walkosz
PWN, Warszawa, 1996
Bayesian analysis of long memory and persistence using ARFIMA models
G Koop, E Ley, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Econometrics 76 (1-2), 149-169, 1997
Robust Bayesian inference in elliptical regression models
J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Econometrics 57 (1-3), 345-363, 1993
Numerical tools for the Bayesian analysis of stochastic frontier models
J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Journal of Productivity Analysis 10 (1), 103-117, 1998
Numerical tools for the Bayesian analysis of stochastic frontier models
J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research Discussion Paper, 1996
Bayesian comparison of bivariate ARCH-type models for the main exchange rates in Poland
J Osiewalski, M Pipień
Journal of Econometrics 123 (2), 371-391, 2004
A stochastic frontier analysis of output level and growth in Poland and western economies
G Koop, J Osiewalski, MFJ Steel
Economics of Planning 33 (3), 185-202, 2000
Robust Bayesian inference in lq-spherical models
J Osiewalski
Biometrika 80 (2), 456-460, 1993
Bayesian analysis for hybrid MSF-SBEKK models of multivariate volatility
J Osiewalski, A Pajor
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics 1 (2), 179-202, 2009
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Articoli 1–20