Henrique von Gersdorff
Henrique von Gersdorff
Vollum Institute, OHSU
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Fine-tuning an auditory synapse for speed and fidelity: developmental changes in presynaptic waveform, EPSC kinetics, and synaptic plasticity
H Taschenberger, H Von Gersdorff
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (24), 9162-9173, 2000
Dynamics of synaptic vesicle fusion and membrane retrieval in synaptic terminals
H Von Gersdorff, G Mathews
Nature 367 (6465), 735-739, 1994
Short-term plasticity at the calyx of Held
H Von Gersdorff, JGG Borst
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3 (1), 53-64, 2002
Studies of the hydrodynamic evolution of matter produced in fluctuations in p¯p collisions and in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
H Von Gersdorff, L McLerran, M Kataja, PV Ruuskanen
Physical Review D 34 (3), 794, 1986
Optimizing synaptic architecture and efficiency for high-frequency transmission
H Taschenberger, RM Leão, KC Rowland, GA Spirou, H Von Gersdorff
Neuron 36 (6), 1127-1143, 2002
Evidence that vesicles on the synaptic ribbon of retinal bipolar neurons can be rapidly released
H Von Gersdorff, E Vardi, G Matthews, P Sterling
Neuron 16 (6), 1221-1227, 1996
Presynaptic depression at a calyx synapse: the small contribution of metabotropic glutamate receptors
H Von Gersdorff, R Schneggenburger, S Weis, E Neher
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (21), 8137-8146, 1997
Inhibition of endocytosis by elevated internal calcium in a synaptic terminal
H Von Gersdorff, G Matthews
Nature 370 (6491), 652-655, 1994
Evidence for intermittent patterns of fluctuations in particle production in high-energy interactions in nuclear emulsion
R Holynski, A Jurak, A Olszewski, B Wilczynska, H Wilczynski, W Wolter, ...
Physical Review Letters 62 (7), 733, 1989
Depletion and replenishment of vesicle pools at a ribbon-type synaptic terminal
H Von Gersdorff, G Matthews
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (6), 1919-1927, 1997
Synaptic cleft acidification and modulation of short-term depression by exocytosed protons in retinal bipolar cells
MJ Palmer, J Vigh, H Von Gersdorff
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (36), 11332-11341, 2003
Submillisecond kinetics of glutamate release from a sensory synapse
H Von Gersdorff, T Sakaba, K Berglund, M Tachibana
Neuron 21 (5), 1177-1188, 1998
Presynaptic Na+ channels: locus, development, and recovery from inactivation at a high-fidelity synapse
RM Leão, C Kushmerick, R Pinaud, R Renden, GL Li, H Taschenberger, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (14), 3724-3738, 2005
Sharp Ca2+ nanodomains beneath the ribbon promote highly synchronous multivesicular release at hair cell synapses
CW Graydon, S Cho, GL Li, B Kachar, H Von Gersdorff
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (46), 16637-16650, 2011
Structure suggests function: the case for synaptic ribbons as exocytotic nanomachines
D Lenzi, H Von Gersdorff
Bioessays 23 (9), 831-840, 2001
Synaptic vesicle endocytosis: fast and slow modes of membrane retrieval
SM Smith, R Renden, H von Gersdorff
Trends in neurosciences 31 (11), 559-568, 2008
The unitary event underlying multiquantal EPSCs at a hair cell's ribbon synapse
GL Li, E Keen, D Andor-Ardó, AJ Hudspeth, H Von Gersdorff
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (23), 7558-7568, 2009
Physiological temperatures reduce the rate of vesicle pool depletion and short-term depression via an acceleration of vesicle recruitment
C Kushmerick, R Renden, H Von Gersdorff
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (5), 1366-1377, 2006
Fast, temperature-sensitive and clathrin-independent endocytosis at central synapses
I Delvendahl, NP Vyleta, H von Gersdorff, S Hallermann
Neuron 90 (3), 492-498, 2016
Synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held under in vivo–like activity levels
J Hermann, M Pecka, H Von Gersdorff, B Grothe, A Klug
Journal of neurophysiology 98 (2), 807-820, 2007
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