Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Tim EbbelsUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 6
Power analysis and sample size determination in metabolic phenotyping
BJ Blaise, G Correia, A Tin, JH Young, AC Vergnaud, M Lewis, ...
Analytical chemistry 88 (10), 5179-5188, 2016
Mandati: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK
Statistical analysis in metabolic phenotyping
BJ Blaise, GDS Correia, GA Haggart, I Surowiec, C Sands, MR Lewis, ...
Nature Protocols 16 (9), 4299-4326, 2021
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
Bidirectional Correlation of NMR and Capillary Electrophoresis Fingerprints: A New Approach to Investigating Schistosoma mansoni Infection in a Mouse Model
I Garcia-Perez, A Couto Alves, S Angulo, JV Li, J Utzinger, TMD Ebbels, ...
Analytical chemistry 82 (1), 203-210, 2010
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation
Combining spectral ordering with peak fitting for one-dimensional NMR quantitative metabolomics
M Liebeke, J Hao, TMD Ebbels, JG Bundy
Analytical chemistry 85 (9), 4605-4612, 2013
Mandati: UK Medical Research Council, UK Natural Environment Research Council
A combined metabonomic and transcriptomic approach to investigate metabolism during development in the chick chorioallantoic membrane
R Cavill, JK Sidhu, W Kilarski, S Javerzat, M Hagedorn, TMD Ebbels, ...
Journal of proteome research 9 (6), 3126-3134, 2010
Mandati: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Variance and covariance heterogeneity analysis for detection of metabolites associated with cadmium exposure
BV Salamanca, TMD Ebbels, MD Iorio
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 13 (2), 191-201, 2014
Mandati: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Economic and …
Disponibili pubblicamente: 75
Human metabolic phenotype diversity and its association with diet and blood pressure
E Holmes, RL Loo, J Stamler, M Bictash, IKS Yap, Q Chan, T Ebbels, ...
Nature 453 (7193), 396-400, 2008
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health
Bayesian deconvolution and quantification of metabolites in complex 1D NMR spectra using BATMAN
J Hao, M Liebeke, W Astle, M De Iorio, JG Bundy, T Ebbels
Nature protocols 9 (6), 1416-1427, 2014
Mandati: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Urinary metabolic signatures of human adiposity
P Elliott, JM Posma, Q Chan, I Garcia-Perez, A Wijeyesekera, M Bictash, ...
Science translational medicine 7 (285), 285ra62-285ra62, 2015
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research Council, National …
Design and analysis of metabolomics studies in epidemiologic research: a primer on-omic technologies
I Tzoulaki, TMD Ebbels, A Valdes, P Elliott, JPA Ioannidis
American journal of epidemiology 180 (2), 129-139, 2014
Mandati: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK
Use cases, best practice and reporting standards for metabolomics in regulatory toxicology
MR Viant, TMD Ebbels, RD Beger, DR Ekman, DJT Epps, H Kamp, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3041, 2019
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access
RM Salek, S Neumann, D Schober, J Hummel, K Billiau, J Kopka, ...
Metabolomics 11, 1587-1597, 2015
Mandati: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Medical …
Opening up the" Black Box": metabolic phenotyping and metabolome-wide association studies in epidemiology
M Bictash, TM Ebbels, Q Chan, RL Loo, IKS Yap, IJ Brown, M De Iorio, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 63 (9), 970-979, 2010
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health
Serum metabolic signatures of coronary and carotid atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular disease
I Tzoulaki, R Castagne, CL Boulange, I Karaman, E Chekmeneva, ...
European heart journal 40 (34), 2883-2896, 2019
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Metabolic profiling and the metabolome-wide association study: significance level for biomarker identification
M Chadeau-Hyam, TMD Ebbels, IJ Brown, Q Chan, J Stamler, CC Huang, ...
Journal of proteome research 9 (9), 4620-4627, 2010
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health
Metabolome-wide association study identifies multiple biomarkers that discriminate north and south Chinese populations at differing risks of cardiovascular disease: INTERMAP study
IKS Yap, IJ Brown, Q Chan, A Wijeyesekera, I Garcia-Perez, M Bictash, ...
Journal of proteome research 9 (12), 6647-6654, 2010
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health
Applying'omics technologies in chemicals risk assessment: Report of an ECETOC workshop
R Buesen, BN Chorley, B da Silva Lima, G Daston, L Deferme, T Ebbels, ...
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 91, S3-S13, 2017
Mandati: UK Medical Research Council
Data standards can boost metabolomics research, and if there is a will, there is a way
P Rocca-Serra, RM Salek, M Arita, E Correa, S Dayalan, ...
Metabolomics 12, 1-13, 2016
Mandati: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Medical …
Pathway analysis in metabolomics: Recommendations for the use of over-representation analysis
C Wieder, C Frainay, N Poupin, P Rodríguez-Mier, F Vinson, J Cooke, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009105, 2021
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation, UK …
Computational tools and workflows in metabolomics: An international survey highlights the opportunity for harmonisation through Galaxy
RJM Weber, TN Lawson, RM Salek, TMD Ebbels, RC Glen, R Goodacre, ...
Metabolomics 13, 1-5, 2017
Mandati: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Medical …
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