Yu Jia 賈昱
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A review of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive biosensor materials for detection of COVID‐19 and other viruses
F Narita, Z Wang, H Kurita, Z Li, Y Shi, Y Jia, C Soutis
Advanced Materials 33 (1), 2005448, 2021
Review of nonlinear vibration energy harvesting: Duffing, bistability, parametric, stochastic and others
Y Jia
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 31 (7), 921-944, 2020
Power optimization by mass tuning for MEMS piezoelectric cantilever vibration energy harvesting
Y Jia, AA Seshia
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 25 (1), 108-117, 2015
An auto-parametrically excited vibration energy harvester
Y Jia, AA Seshia
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 220, 69-75, 2014
A fully integrated split-electrode SSHC rectifier for piezoelectric energy harvesting
S Du, Y Jia, C Zhao, GAJ Amaratunga, AA Seshia
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 54 (6), 1733-1743, 2019
An efficient SSHI interface with increased input range for piezoelectric energy harvesting under variable conditions
S Du, Y Jia, CD Do, AA Seshia
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 51 (11), 2729-2742, 2016
A parametrically excited vibration energy harvester
Y Jia, J Yan, K Soga, AA Seshia
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 25 (3), 278-289, 2014
A nail-size piezoelectric energy harvesting system integrating a MEMS transducer and a CMOS SSHI circuit
S Du, Y Jia, C Zhao, GAJ Amaratunga, AA Seshia
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (1), 277-285, 2019
Twenty-eight orders of parametric resonance in a microelectromechanical device for multi-band vibration energy harvesting
Y Jia, S Du, AA Seshia
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30167, 2016
Parametric resonance for vibration energy harvesting with design techniques to passively reduce the initiation threshold amplitude
Y Jia, J Yan, K Soga, AA Seshia
Smart Materials and Structures 23 (6), 065011, 2014
Parametrically excited MEMS vibration energy harvesters with design approaches to overcome the initiation threshold amplitude
Y Jia, J Yan, K Soga, AA Seshia
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23 (11), 114007, 2013
A new electrode design method in piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters to maximize output power
S Du, Y Jia, ST Chen, C Zhao, B Sun, E Arroyo, AA Seshia
Sensors and Actuators A: physical 263, 693-701, 2017
Vibration energy harvesting of multifunctional carbon fibre composite laminate structures
A Alsaadi, Y Shi, L Pan, J Tao, Y Jia
Composites Science and Technology 178, 1-10, 2019
Intelligent fault diagnosis of helical gearboxes with compressive sensing based non-contact measurements
X Tang, Y Xu, X Sun, Y Liu, Y Jia, F Gu, AD Ball
ISA transactions 133, 559-574, 2023
Space phased array antenna developments: A perspective on structural design
C Wang, Y Wang, P Lian, S Xue, Q Xu, Y Shi, Y Jia, B Du, J Liu, B Tang
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 35 (7), 44-63, 2020
An efficient inductorless dynamically configured interface circuit for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting
S Du, Y Jia, AA Seshia
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (5), 3595-3609, 2016
Multiphysics vibration FE model of piezoelectric macro fibre composite on carbon fibre composite structures
Y Jia, X Wei, L Xu, C Wang, P Lian, S Xue, A Al-Saadi, Y Shi
Composites Part B: Engineering 161, 376-385, 2019
Five topologies of cantilever-based MEMS piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters: a numerical and experimental comparison
Y Jia, AA Seshia
Microsystem Technologies 22 (12), 2841-2852, 2016
Maximizing output power in a cantilevered piezoelectric vibration energy harvester by electrode design
S Du, Y Jia, A Seshia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660 (1), 012114, 2015
Structural health monitoring for woven fabric CFRP laminates
A Alsaadi, J Meredith, T Swait, JL Curiel-Sosa, Y Jia, S Hayes
Composites Part B: Engineering 174, 107048, 2019
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