Mostafa Langarizadeh
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Telemental health care, an effective alternative to conventional mental care: a systematic review
M Langarizadeh, MS Tabatabaei, K Tavakol, M Naghipour, A Rostami, ...
Acta Informatica Medica 25 (4), 240, 2017
Applying naive bayesian networks to disease prediction: a systematic review
M Langarizadeh, F Moghbeli
Acta Informatica Medica 24 (5), 364, 2016
Clinicians’ knowledge and perception of telemedicine technology
H Ayatollahi, FZP Sarabi, M Langarizadeh
Perspectives in health information management 12 (Fall), 1c, 2015
Application of ethics for providing telemedicine services and information technology
M Langarizadeh, F Moghbeli, A Aliabadi
Medical Archives 71 (5), 351, 2017
Evaluation of effective dashboards: key concepts and criteria
M Karami, M Langarizadeh, M Fatehi
The open medical informatics journal 11, 52, 2017
Managing diabetes mellitus using information technology: a systematic review
H Riazi, B Larijani, M Langarizadeh, L Shahmoradi
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 14, 1-9, 2015
Mobile apps for weight management in children and adolescents; an updated systematic review
M Langarizadeh, M Sadeghi, A As’habi, P Rahmati, A Sheikhtaheri
Patient Education and Counseling 104 (9), 2181-2188, 2021
An improved cluster formation process in wireless sensor network to decrease energy consumption
HR Farahzadi, M Langarizadeh, M Mirhosseini, SA Fatemi Aghda
Wireless Networks 27, 1077-1087, 2021
Enhance hospital performance from intellectual capital to business intelligence
M Karami, M Fatehi, M Torabi, M Langarizadeh, A Rahimi, R Safdari
Radiol Manage 35 (6), 30-5, 2013
Comparing three data mining methods to predict kidney transplant survival
L Shahmoradi, M Langarizadeh, G Pourmand, A Borhani
Acta informatica medica 24 (5), 322, 2016
Prediction of internet addiction based on information literacy among students of Iran University of Medical Sciences
M Langarizadeh, M Naghipour, SM Tabatabaei, A Mirzaei, ME Vaghar
Electronic Physician 10 (2), 6333, 2018
Improvement of digital mammogram images using histogram equalization, histogram stretching and median filter
M Langarizadeh, R Mahmud, AR Ramli, S Napis, MR Beikzadeh, ...
Journal of medical engineering & technology 35 (2), 103-108, 2011
Differential diagnosis of Erythmato-Squamous Diseases using classification and regression tree
K Maghooli, M Langarizadeh, L Shahmoradi, M Habibi-Koolaee, ...
Acta Informatica Medica 24 (5), 338, 2016
Effectiveness of anonymization methods in preserving patients' privacy: a systematic literature review
M Langarizadeh, A Orooji, A Sheikhtaheri
Health Informatics Meets eHealth, 80-87, 2018
Developing a fuzzy expert system to predict the risk of neonatal death
R Safdari, M Kadivar, M Langarizadeh, AF Nejad, F Kermani
Acta Informatica Medica 24 (1), 34, 2016
Development of managerial key performance indicators for a hospital pharmacy digital dashboard
AD Mahmodabadi, M Langarizadeh, MHM Mehrjardi, S Emadi
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: IJPR 18 (4), 2124, 2019
Applying data mining techniques to determine important parameters in chronic kidney disease and the relations of these parameters to each other
S Tahmasebian, M Ghazisaeedi, M Langarizadeh, M Mokhtaran, ...
Journal of renal injury prevention 6 (2), 83, 2016
Confirmation of expectations and satisfaction with hospital information systems: a nursing perspective
H Ayatollahi, M Langarizadeh, H Chenani
Healthcare informatics research 22 (4), 326-332, 2016
Design a fuzzy rule-based expert system to aid earlier diagnosis of gastric cancer
R Safdari, HK Arpanahi, M Langarizadeh, M Ghazisaiedi, H Dargahi, ...
Acta Informatica Medica 26 (1), 19, 2018
A machine learning model for detection of coronary artery disease using noninvasive clinical parameters
M Sayadi, V Varadarajan, F Sadoughi, S Chopannejad, M Langarizadeh
Life 12 (11), 1933, 2022
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20