Distributed processing of color and form in the visual cortex I Rentzeperis, AR Nikolaev, DC Kiper, C van Leeuwen Frontiers in psychology 5, 932, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Effects of virtual reality-augmented training on cortical activation in incomplete spinal cord injury patients: An fMRI study M Villiger, P Pyk, J Spillmann, N Estévez, D Bohli, D Kiper, ... Journal of the Neurological Sciences 333, e551, 2013 | | 2013 |
Evaluating efficacy and user'/INS; s expectations of a virtual reality training system: A multi-centre randomised controlled trial using mixed methods C Schuster, K Eng, I Lehmann, L Schmid, N Kobashi, I Thaler, S Signer, ... Journal of the Neurological Sciences 333, e549, 2013 | | 2013 |
Trial-to-trial variability differs between low versus high responders in motor imagery: Near-infrared spectroscopy study L Holper, M Wolf, N Kobashi, D Kiper, K Eng 2011 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, 1-2, 2011 | | 2011 |
Kognitive Defizite und motorische Funktionserholung nach Basalganglieninfarkten M Wicking, O Todica, K Eng, D Kiper, C Bellebaum, I Daum, D Hermann Aktuelle Neurologie 36 (S 02), P544, 2009 | | 2009 |
Virtual reality (vr) based paediatric interactive therapy system (pits) for enhancement of motor learning in children with central motor impairment-a feasibility trial D Wille, K Eng, L Holper, E Chevrier, D Kiper, A Meyer-Heim Swiss Medical Weekly 138 (23-24, S164), 21S-21S, 2008 | | 2008 |
Cognitive virtual reality based neurorehabilitation in acute stroke patients E Siekierka, M Cameirao, K Eng, D Hermann, K Hägni, P Pyk, Y Hauser, ... Clinical Neurophysiology 119 (1), e16, 2008 | | 2008 |
The dynamics of pattern identification and categorization M Wiesmann, PFMJ Verschure, DC Kiper Journal of Vision 6 (6), 607-607, 2006 | | 2006 |
The dynamics of pattern recognition and categorization M Wiesmann, P Verschure, DC Kiper Journal of Psychophysiology 20 (4), 334-334, 2006 | | 2006 |
Canonicalness and prototypicality of an object affects remembering performance C Dahl, D Kiper Poster presented at 8th Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK 2005), Tübingen …, 2005 | | 2005 |
Texture effects on the responses of lateral geniculate neurons CC Girardin, DC Kiper, N daCosta, KAC Martin, A Schmid INI's posters, 2001 | | 2001 |
Neuronal correlates of amblyopia in the visual cortex of macaques with experimental strabismus and anisometropia JA Movshon, DC Kiper, LP O'Keefe, JR Cavanaugh, L Kiorpes PERCEPTION 27, 16-17, 1998 | | 1998 |
Lesion-induced programmed cell death in the thalamus of the neonatal ferret: An in vivo model for the study of neuroprotection. M Gautschi, DC Kiper, GM Innocenti, PGH Clarke EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 10, 385-385, 1998 | | 1998 |
Integration of Color Information in Macaque Area V2 KR Gegenfurtner, DC Kiper, SB Fenstemaker Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 1995 | | 1995 |
Distributed processing and early integration of color and form in the visual brain I Rentzeperis, AR Nikolaev, DC Kiper, C van Leeuwen | | |