Renat Yuldashev
Renat Yuldashev
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Hold-in, pull-in, and lock-in ranges of PLL circuits: rigorous mathematical definitions and limitations of classical theory
GA Leonov, NV Kuznetsov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 62 (10), 2454-2464, 2015
Hidden attractors in dynamical models of phase-locked loop circuits: limitations of simulation in MATLAB and SPICE
NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 51, 39-49, 2017
Analytical method for computation of phase-detector characteristic
GA Leonov, NV Kuznetsov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 59 (10), 633-637, 2012
Tutorial on dynamic analysis of the Costas loop
RE Best, NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
Annual Reviews in Control 42, 27-49, 2016
Nonlinear dynamical model of Costas loop and an approach to the analysis of its stability in the large
GA Leonov, NV Kuznetsov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
Signal processing 108, 124-135, 2015
Rigorous mathematical definitions of the hold-in and pull-in ranges for phase-locked loops
NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 710-713, 2015
Limitations of PLL simulation: hidden oscillations in MATLAB and SPICE
G Bianchi, NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
2015 7th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2015
Limitations of the classical phase-locked loop analysis
NV Kuznetsov, OA Kuznetsova, GA Leonov, P Neittaanm, MV Yuldashev, ...
2015 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS), 533-536, 2015
Simulation of analog Costas loop circuits
RE Best, NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
International Journal of Automation and Computing 11 (6), 571-579, 2014
A short survey on nonlinear models of the classic Costas loop: rigorous derivation and limitations of the classic analysis
RE Best, NV Kuznetsov, OA Kuznetsova, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, ...
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 1296-1302, 2015
Hidden oscillations in SPICE simulation of two-phase Costas loop with non-linear VCO
G Bianchi, NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, SM Seledzhi, MV Yuldashev, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (14), 45-50, 2016
The birth of the global stability theory and the theory of hidden oscillations
NV Kuznetsov, MY Lobachev, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev, ...
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 769-774, 2020
Hidden and self-excited attractors in Chua circuit: synchronization and SPICE simulation
MA Kiseleva, EV Kudryashova, NV Kuznetsov, OA Kuznetsova, ...
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 33 (5 …, 2018
Computation of phase detector characteristics in synchronization systems
GA Leonov, NV Kuznetsov, MV Yuldahsev, RV Yuldashev
Doklady Mathematics 84 (1), 586-590, 2011
Analytical methods for computation of phase-detector characteristics and PLL design
NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
ISSCS 2011-International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, 1-4, 2011
Nonlinear analysis of classical phase-locked loops in signal's phase space
NV Kuznetsov, GA Leonov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 8253-8258, 2014
Analytical-numerical analysis of closed-form dynamic model of Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant: Stability, oscillations, and accident
NV Kuznetsov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 93, 105530, 2021
Differential equations of Costas loop
GA Leonov, NV Kuznetsov, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
Doklady Mathematics 86 (2), 723-728, 2012
The Egan problem on the pull-in range of type 2 PLLs
NV Kuznetsov, MY Lobachev, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (4), 1467-1471, 2020
The Gardner problem on the lock-in range of second-order type 2 phase-locked loops
NV Kuznetsov, MY Lobachev, MV Yuldashev, RV Yuldashev, ...
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (12), 7436-7450, 2023
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