Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Mingjie TangUlteriori informazioni
Disponibili pubblicamente: 15
Locationspark: A distributed in-memory data management system for big spatial data
M Tang, Y Yu, QM Malluhi, M Ouzzani, WG Aref
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9 (13), 1565-1568, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
In-memory distributed matrix computation processing and optimization
Y Yu, M Tang, WG Aref, QM Malluhi, MM Abbas, M Ouzzani
2017 IEEE 33rd International conference on data engineering (ICDE), 1047-1058, 2017
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
A natural-language-based visual query approach of uncertain human trajectories
Z Huang, Y Zhao, W Chen, S Gao, K Yu, W Xu, M Tang, M Zhu, M Xu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26 (1), 1256-1266, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Adaptive processing of spatial-keyword data over a distributed streaming cluster
AR Mahmood, A Daghistani, AM Aly, M Tang, S Basalamah, S Prabhakar, ...
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Movement patterns of Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus during breeding and post-breeding periods at Qinghai Lake, China
P Cui, Y Hou, M Tang, H Zhang, Y Zhou, Z Yin, T Li, S Guo, Z Xing, Y He, ...
Journal of Ornithology 152, 83-92, 2011
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health
Locationspark: In-memory distributed spatial query processing and optimization
M Tang, Y Yu, AR Mahmood, QM Malluhi, M Ouzzani, WG Aref
Frontiers in big Data 3, 30, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efficient parallel skyline query processing for high-dimensional data
M Tang, Y Yu, WG Aref, QM Malluhi, M Ouzzani
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (10), 1838-1851, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Sac: A system for big data lineage tracking
MJ Tang, S Shao, W Yang, Y Liang, Y Yu, B Saha, D Hyun
2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1964-1967, 2019
Mandati: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Atlas: on the expression of spatial-keyword group queries using extended relational constructs
AR Mahmood, WG Aref, AM Aly, M Tang
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Cruncher: Distributed in-memory processing for location-based services
AS Abdelhamid, M Tang, AM Aly, AR Mahmood, T Qadah, WG Aref, ...
2016 IEEE 32nd international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 1406-1409, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
The similarity-aware relational database set operators
WJ Al Marri, Q Malluhi, M Ouzzani, M Tang, WG Aref
Information Systems 59, 79-93, 2016
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Bird Flu Outbreak Prediction via Satellite Tracking
Y Zhou, M Tang, W Pan, J Li, W Wang, J Shao, L Wu, Q Yang, B Yan
IEEE, 2013
Mandati: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Stull: Unbiased online sampling for visual exploration of large spatiotemporal data
G Wang, J Guo, M Tang, JF de Queiroz Neto, C Yau, A Daghistani, ...
2020 IEEE conference on visual analytics science and technology (VAST), 72-83, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
AUDIT: approving and tracking updates with dependencies in collaborative databases
K Mershad, QM Malluhi, M Ouzzani, M Tang, M Gribskov, WG Aref
Distributed and Parallel Databases 36, 81-119, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
COACT: a query interface language for collaborative databases
K Mershad, QM Malluhi, M Ouzzani, M Tang, M Gribskov, WG Aref, ...
Distributed and Parallel Databases 36, 121-151, 2018
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
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