Dr. Andreas Pithis
Dr. Andreas Pithis
DFG Principal Investigator, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
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Cosmological implications of interacting Group Field Theory models: cyclic Universe and accelerated expansion
M De Cesare, AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Physical Review D 94 (6), 064051, 2016
Group field theory condensate cosmology: An appetizer
AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Universe 5 (6), 147, 2019
Impact of nonlinear effective interactions on group field theory quantum gravity condensates
AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou, P Tomov
Physical Review D 94 (6), 064056, 2016
Relational evolution of effectively interacting group field theory quantum gravity condensates
AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Physical Review D 95 (6), 064004, 2017
Dynamics of anisotropies close to a cosmological bounce in quantum gravity
M De Cesare, D Oriti, AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (1), 015014, 2017
Mean-field phase transitions in tensorial group field theory quantum gravity
L Marchetti, D Oriti, AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Physical Review Letters 130 (14), 141501, 2023
Phase transitions in TGFT: functional renormalization group in the cyclic-melonic potential approximation and equivalence to O (N) models
AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (12), 1-54, 2020
Complete Barrett-Crane model and its causal structure
AF Jercher, D Oriti, AGA Pithis
Physical Review D 106 (6), 066019, 2022
Emergent cosmology from quantum gravity in the Lorentzian Barrett-Crane tensorial group field theory model
AF Jercher, D Oriti, AGA Pithis
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022 (01), 050, 2022
Phase transitions in group field theory: The Landau perspective
AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Physical Review D 98 (12), 126006, 2018
Phase transitions in TGFT: a Landau-Ginzburg analysis of Lorentzian quantum geometric models
L Marchetti, D Oriti, AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Journal of High Energy Physics 2023 (2), 1-61, 2023
The phase diagram of the multi-matrix model with ABAB interaction from functional renormalization
A Eichhorn, AD Pereira, AGA Pithis
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (12), 1-33, 2020
Phase transitions in tensorial group field theories: Landau-Ginzburg analysis of models with both local and non-local degrees of freedom
L Marchetti, D Oriti, AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (12), 1-35, 2021
Anyonic statistics and large horizon diffeomorphisms for loop quantum gravity black holes
AGA Pithis, HC Ruiz Euler
Physical Review D 91 (6), 064053, 2015
(No) phase transition in tensorial group field theory
AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Physics Letters B 816, 136215, 2021
Aspects of quantum gravity
AGA Pithis
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.07735, 2019
QFT with tensorial and local degrees of freedom: Phase structure from functional renormalization
J Ben Geloun, AGA Pithis, J Thürigen
Journal of Mathematical Physics 65 (3), 2024
Minimizers of the dynamical Boulatov model
JB Geloun, A Kegeles, AGA Pithis
The European Physical Journal C 78, 1-12, 2018
Scalar cosmological perturbations from quantum entanglement within Lorentzian quantum gravity
AF Jercher, L Marchetti, AGA Pithis
Physical Review D 109 (6), 066021, 2024
Can we detect quantum gravity with compact binary inspirals?
AC Jenkins, AGA Pithis, M Sakellariadou
Physical Review D 98 (10), 104032, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20