Kévin Audoux
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Selection method for multiple performances evaluation during early design stages
K Audoux, F Segonds, O Kerbrat, A Aoussat
Procedia Cirp 70, 204-210, 2018
Toward a customized multicriterion tool for product evaluation in the early design phases: the CMDET methodology
K Audoux, F Segonds, O Kerbrat, A Aoussat
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 13 …, 2019
Multicriteria evaluation method in PLM environment: a pilot study
K Audoux, F Laverne, G D’antonio, F Segonds, O Kerbrat, P Chiabert, ...
Product Lifecycle Management to Support Industry 4.0: 15th IFIP WG 5.1 …, 2018
Lissage d'une production houlogénérée: gestion et dimensionnement d'un système de stockage par supercondensateurs sous contrainte de flicker
T Kovaltchouk, K Audoux, S Rouland, J Aubry, HB Ahmed, B Multon
Symposium de Génie Électrique 2014, 2014
Proposition d'un processus d'évaluation multidomaine pour améliorer la conception de produit
K Audoux
Ecole nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers-ENSAM, 2019
Smoothing of wave-generated production: management and sizing of a storage system using super capacitors under flicker constraint
T Kovaltchouk, H Ben Ahmed, B Multon, K Audoux, S Rouland, J Aubry
Power Smoothing of a direct wave energy converter: Management and sizing of a supercapacitor energy storage system under a flicker constraint Power Smoothing of a direct wave …
MT Kovaltchouk, J Aubry, K Audoux, HB Ahmed, B Multon, S Rouland
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–7