Lorenzo De Vidovich
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City as the core of contagion? Repositioning COVID-19 at the social and spatial periphery of urban society
S Biglieri, L De Vidovich, R Keil
Cities & Health 5 (sup1), S63-S65, 2021
Proximity and post-COVID-19 urban development: Reflections from Milan, Italy
L Tricarico, L De Vidovich
Journal of Urban Management 10 (3), 302-310, 2021
Community Energy Map. Una ricognizione delle prime esperienze di comunità energetiche rinnovabili
L De Vidovich, L Tricarico, M Zulianello
Franco Angeli, 2021
Suburban studies: State of the field and unsolved knots
L De Vidovich
Geography Compass 13 (5), 1-14, 2019
How can we frame energy communities’ organisational models? insights from the research ‘community energy map’in the italian context
L De Vidovich, L Tricarico, M Zulianello
Sustainability 15 (3), 1997, 2023
Towards eco-social policies to tackle the socio-ecological crisis: energy poverty as an interface between welfare and environment
G Carrosio, L De Vidovich
Environmental Sociology 9 (3), 243-256, 2023
Entrepreneurship, inclusion or co-production? An attempt to assess territorial elements in social innovation literature
L Tricarico, L De Vidovich, A Billi
Cities 130, 103986, 2022
Seeking polycentric post-suburbanization: a view from the urban region of Milan
L De Vidovich, G Scolari
Urban Geography 43 (1), 123-133, 2022
Situating Social Innovation in Territorial Development: A Reflection from the Italian Context
L Tricarico, L De Vidovich, A Billi
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives, 939-952, 2021
Socio-spatial transformations at the urban fringes of Rome: Unfolding suburbanisms in Fiano Romano
L De Vidovich
European Urban and Regional Studies 29 (2), 238-254, 2022
Innovazioni per l'apprendimento istituzionale.Il Programma microaree della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
O de Leonardis, L De Vidovich
Working Papers. Rivista online di Urban@it - 1/2017, 11, 2017
Post-suburban arrival spaces and the frame of ‘welfare offloading’: notes from an Italian suburban neighborhood
L De Vidovich, M Bovo
Urban Research & Practice 16 (2), 141-162, 2023
Economie di prossimità post Covid-19. Riflessioni con alcuni riferimenti al contesto urbano italiano
L Tricarico, L De Vidovich
Impresa Sociale, 84-96, 2021
Modelli organizzativi per le comunità energetiche. Riflessioni dalla ricerca ‘Community Energy Map’
L De Vidovich, L Tricarico, M Zulianello
Impresa Sociale, 122-137, 2023
Which agenda for the Italian suburbs? Debating a marginal condition in few steps
L De Vidovich
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives, 135-146, 2021
Eco-welfare tra crisi socio-ecologica e campi d’applicazione per politiche eco-sociali
G Carrosio, L De Vidovich
Social Policies 10 (1), 43-62, 2023
Imprenditorialità, Inclusione o Co-produzione? Innovazione sociale e possibili approcci territoriali
L Tricarico, L De Vidovich
CRIOS 21, 34-45, 2021
Urban regeneration through the territorialisation of social policies: Findings from the Microareas Programme in Trieste, Italy
L De Vidovich
Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal 13 (4), 406-421, 2020
Health governance of COVID-19 in Milan and Toronto: long-term trends and short-term failures
S Biglieri, L De Vidovich, J Iacobelli, R Keil
Studies in Political Economy 103 (1), 55-79, 2022
Covid-19 and the forgotten densities of long-term care
J Iacobelli, S Biglieri, L De Vidovich, R Keil
Plan Canada 61 (2), 21-24, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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