Jason Frank
Jason Frank
Utrecht University, Mathematical Institute, Budapestlaan 6, 3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands
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On the stability of implicit-explicit linear multistep methods
J Frank, W Hundsdorfer, JG Verwer
Applied Numerical Mathematics 25 (2-3), 193-205, 1997
On the construction of deflation-based preconditioners
J Frank, C Vuik
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (2), 442-462, 2002
A Hamiltonian particle-mesh method for the rotating shallow-water equations
J Frank, G Gottwald, S Reich
Meshfree methods for partial differential equations, 131-142, 2002
Linear PDEs and numerical methods that preserve a multisymplectic conservation law
J Frank, BE Moore, S Reich
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (1), 260-277, 2006
Geometric integrators for classical spin systems
J Frank, W Huang, B Leimkuhler
Journal of Computational Physics 133 (1), 160-172, 1997
Conservation properties of smoothed particle hydrodynamics applied to the shallow water equation
J Frank, S Reich
BIT Numerical Mathematics 43 (1), 41-55, 2003
Statistical mechanics of Arakawa's discretizations
S Dubinkina, J Frank
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2), 1286-1305, 2007
On the multisymplecticity of partitioned Runge–Kutta and splitting methods
BN Ryland, RI Mclachlan, J Frank
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 84 (6), 847-869, 2007
The Hamiltonian particle‐mesh method for the spherical shallow water equations
J Frank, S Reich
Atmospheric Science Letters 5 (5), 89-95, 2004
The remapped particle‐mesh semi‐Lagrangian advection scheme
CJ Cotter, J Frank, S Reich
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 133 (622), 251-260, 2007
Parallel implementation of a multiblock method with approximate subdomain solution
J Frank, C Vuik
Applied numerical mathematics 30 (4), 403-423, 1999
Statistical relevance of vorticity conservation in the Hamiltonian particle-mesh method
S Dubinkina, J Frank
Journal of computational Physics 229 (7), 2634-2648, 2010
Physics-compatible numerical methods
K Barry, R Abgrall, B Pavel, F Jason, P Blair
Journal of Computational Physics 257, 1039, 2014
Derivation of delay equation climate models using the Mori-Zwanzig formalism
SKJ Falkena, C Quinn, J Sieber, J Frank, HA Dijkstra
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2227), 20190075, 2019
Hamiltonian particle-mesh method for two-layer shallow-water equations subject to the rigid-lid approximation
CJ Cotter, J Frank, S Reich
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 3 (1), 69-83, 2004
Geometric space-time integration of ferromagnetic materials
J Frank
Applied numerical mathematics 48 (3-4), 307-322, 2004
On the appearance of internal wave attractors due to an initial or parametrically excited disturbance
J Bajars, J Frank, LRM Maas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 714, 283-311, 2013
The langevin limit of the Nose-Hoover-Langevin thermostat
J Frank, GA Gottwald
Journal of Statistical Physics 143, 715-724, 2011
A detectability criterion and data assimilation for nonlinear differential equations
J Frank, S Zhuk
Nonlinearity 31 (11), 5235, 2018
Projected shadowing-based data assimilation
B De Leeuw, S Dubinkina, J Frank, A Steyer, X Tu, EV Vleck
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17 (4), 2446-2477, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20