Francesco Belardo
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Open problems in the spectral theory of signed graphs
F Belardo, SM Cioabă, JH Koolen, J Wang
The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics 1 (2), P2.10, 2019
On the Laplacian coefficients of signed graphs
F Belardo, SK Simić
Linear Algebra and its Applications 475, 94-113, 2015
The anti-adjacency matrix of a graph: Eccentricity matrix
J Wang, M Lu, F Belardo, M Randić
Discrete Applied Mathematics 251, 299-309, 2018
On the spectral characterizations of∞-graphs
JF Wang, QX Huang, F Belardo, EM Li Marzi
Discrete Mathematics 310 (13), 1845-1855, 2010
On the two largest Q-eigenvalues of graphs
JF Wang, F Belardo, QX Huang, B Borovićanin
Discrete Mathematics 310 (21), 2858-2866, 2010
Balancedness and the least eigenvalue of Laplacian of signed graphs
F Belardo
Linear Algebra and its Applications 446, 133-147, 2014
Spectral characterizations of signed lollipop graphs
F Belardo, P Petecki
Linear Algebra and its Applications 480, 144-167, 2015
Spectral properties of the eccentricity matrix of graphs
J Wang, M Lu, L Lu, F Belardo
Discrete Applied Mathematics 279, 168-177, 2020
Some results on the index of unicyclic graphs
F Belardo, EM Li Marzi, SK Simić
Linear algebra and its applications 416 (2), 1048-1059, 2006
On graphs whose signless Laplacian index does not exceed 4.5
JF Wang, QX Huang, F Belardo, EM Li Marzi
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 431 (1), 162-178, 2009
A note on the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs
JF Wang, F Belardo
Linear Algebra and its Applications 435 (10), 2585-2590, 2011
On the spectral radius of unicyclic graphs with prescribed degree sequence
F Belardo, EM Li Marzi, SK Simić, JF Wang
Linear Algebra and its Applications 432 (9), 2323-2334, 2010
Unified extremal results of topological indices and spectral invariants of graphs
Y Yao, M Liu, F Belardo, C Yang
Discrete Applied Mathematics 271, 218-232, 2019
A note on the spectral characterization of dumbbell graphs
JF Wang, Q Huang, F Belardo, EM Li Marzi
Linear Algebra and its Applications 431 (10), 1707-1714, 2009
Combinatorial approach for computing the characteristic polynomial of a matrix
F Belardo, EM Li Marzi, SK Simić
Linear Algebra and its Applications 433 (8), 1513-1523, 2010
Spectral characterizations of dumbbell graphs
JF Wang, F Belardo, Q Huang, EM Li Marzi
the electronic journal of combinatorics 17 (1), R42, 2010
On the largest eigenvalue of signed unicyclic graphs
S Akbari, F Belardo, F Heydari, M Maghasedi, M Souri
Linear Algebra and its Applications 581, 145-162, 2019
Connected graphs of fixed order and size with maximal index: structural considerations
SK Simić, EML Marzi, F Belardo
Le Matematiche 59 (1, 2), 349-365, 2004
On the index of caterpillars
SK Simić, EM Li Marzi, F Belardo
Discrete Mathematics 308 (2), 324-330, 2008
Some notes on graphs whose spectral radius is close to 3/2 Sqrt 2
JF Wang, QX Huang, X An, F Belardo
Linear Algebra and its Applications 429 (7), 1606-1618, 2008
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20