Gianluca Sottili
Gianluca Sottili
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Sapienza - Università di Roma
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The 100–133 ka record of Italian explosive volcanism and revised tephrochronology of Lago Grande di Monticchio
S Wulf, J Keller, M Paterne, J Mingram, S Lauterbach, S Opitz, G Sottili, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 58, 104-123, 2012
CO2-driven large mafic explosive eruptions: the Pozzolane Rosse case study from the Colli Albani Volcanic District (Italy)
C Freda, M Gaeta, B Giaccio, F Marra, DM Palladino, P Scarlato, G Sottili
Bulletin of Volcanology 73, 241-256, 2011
First integrated tephrochronological record for the last∼ 190 kyr from the Fucino Quaternary lacustrine succession, central Italy
B Giaccio, EM Niespolo, A Pereira, S Nomade, PR Renne, PG Albert, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 158, 211-234, 2017
Major explosive activity in the Monti Sabatini Volcanic District (central Italy) over the 800–390 ka interval: geochronological–geochemical overview and tephrostratigraphic …
F Marra, G Sottili, M Gaeta, B Giaccio, B Jicha, M Masotta, DM Palladino, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 94, 74-101, 2014
Geochronology of the most recent activity in the Sabatini Volcanic District, Roman Province, central Italy
G Sottili, DM Palladino, F Marra, B Jicha, DB Karner, P Renne
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 196 (1-2), 20-30, 2010
Integrated approach for the reconstruction of stratigraphy and geology of Quaternary volcanic terrains: an application to the Vulsini Volcanoes (central Italy)
DM Palladino, S Simei, G Sottili, R Trigila
Fault and basin depocentre migration over the last 2 Ma in the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake region, central Italian Apennines
B Giaccio, P Galli, P Messina, E Peronace, G Scardia, G Sottili, A Sposato, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 56, 69-88, 2012
The late MIS 5 Mediterranean tephra markers: a reappraisal from peninsular Italy terrestrial records
B Giaccio, S Nomade, S Wulf, R Isaia, G Sottili, G Cavuoto, P Galli, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 56, 31-45, 2012
Sub-surface dynamics and eruptive styles of maars in the Colli Albani Volcanic District, Central Italy
G Sottili, J Taddeucci, DM Palladino, M Gaeta, P Scarlato, G Ventura
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 180 (2-4), 189-202, 2009
Plinian activity during the early eruptive history of the Sabatini Volcanic District, Central Italy
G Sottili, DM Palladino, V Zanon
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 135 (4), 361-379, 2004
Isotopic (Sr–Nd) and major element fingerprinting of distal tephras: an application to the Middle-Late Pleistocene markers from the Colli Albani volcano, central Italy
B Giaccio, I Arienzo, G Sottili, F Castorina, M Gaeta, S Nomade, P Galli, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 67, 190-206, 2013
Origins and energetics of maar volcanoes: examples from the ultrapotassic Sabatini Volcanic District (Roman Province, Central Italy)
G Sottili, DM Palladino, M Gaeta, M Masotta
Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 163-186, 2012
A 560–440 ka tephra record from the Mercure Basin, southern Italy: volcanological and tephrostratigraphic implications
B Giaccio, P Galli, E Peronace, I Arienzo, S Nomade, GP Cavinato, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 29 (3), 232-248, 2014
A review of the geologic sections and the faunal assemblages of Aurelian Mammal Age of Latium (Italy) in the light of a new chronostratigraphic framework
F Marra, S Nomade, A Pereira, C Petronio, L Salari, G Sottili, JJ Bahain, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 181, 173-199, 2018
Integrated geochronology of Acheulian sites from the southern Latium (central Italy): Insights on human-environment interaction and the technological innovations during the MIS …
A Pereira, S Nomade, MH Moncel, P Voinchet, JJ Bahain, I Biddittu, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 187, 112-129, 2018
Tephra ring interpretation in light of evolving maar–diatreme concepts: Stracciacappa maar (central Italy)
GA Valentine, G Sottili, DM Palladino, J Taddeucci
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 308, 19-29, 2015
Extending the tephra and palaeoenvironmental record of the Central Mediterranean back to 430 ka: A new core from Fucino Basin, central Italy
B Giaccio, N Leicher, G Mannella, L Monaco, E Regattieri, B Wagner, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 225, 106003, 2019
Linked frequency and intensity of persistent volcanic activity at Stromboli (Italy)
J Taddeucci, DM Palladino, G Sottili, D Bernini, D Andronico, A Cristaldi
Geophysical Research Letters 40, 1-5, 2013
Provenancing of lightweight volcanic stones used in ancient Roman concrete vaulting: evidence from Rome
L Lancaster, G Sottili, F Marra, G Ventura
Archaeometry 53 (4), 707-727, 2011
On the anatomy of magma chamber and caldera collapse: the example of trachy-phonolitic explosive eruptions of the Roman Province (central Italy)
DM Palladino, M Gaeta, B Giaccio, G Sottili
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 281, 12-26, 2014
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