Michael Wallace
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STRATOS guidance document on measurement error and misclassification of variables in observational epidemiology: part 1—basic theory and simple methods of adjustment
RH Keogh, PA Shaw, P Gustafson, RJ Carroll, V Deffner, KW Dodd, ...
Statistics in medicine 39 (16), 2197-2231, 2020
Doubly-robust dynamic treatment regimen estimation via weighted least squares
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie
Biometrics 71 (3), 636-644, 2015
Compliance with occlusion therapy for childhood amblyopia
MP Wallace, CE Stewart, MJ Moseley, DA Stephens, AR Fielder
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 54 (9), 6158-6166, 2013
The effect of amblyopia treatment on stereoacuity
CE Stewart, MP Wallace, DA Stephens, AR Fielder, MJ Moseley, ...
Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus …, 2013
STRATOS guidance document on measurement error and misclassification of variables in observational epidemiology: part 2—more complex methods of adjustment and advanced topics
PA Shaw, P Gustafson, RJ Carroll, V Deffner, KW Dodd, RH Keogh, ...
Statistics in medicine 39 (16), 2232-2263, 2020
Dynamic treatment regimen estimation via regression-based techniques: Introducing r package dtrreg
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Journal of Statistical Software 80, 1-20, 2017
Monitored occlusion treatment amblyopia study (MOTAS) cooperatives; randomized occlusion treatment amblyopia study (ROTAS) cooperatives. Compliance with occlusion therapy for …
MP Wallace, CE Stewart, MJ Moseley, DA Stephens, AR Fielder
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54 (9), 6158-6166, 2013
Statistical method use in public health research
JC Karran, EEM Moodie, MP Wallace
Scandinavian journal of public health 43 (7), 776-782, 2015
Personalizing medicine: a review of adaptive treatment strategies
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 23 (6), 580-585, 2014
Model selection for G-estimation of dynamic treatment regimes
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Biometrics 75 (4), 1205-1215, 2019
Model assessment in dynamic treatment regimen estimation via double robustness
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Biometrics 72 (3), 855-864, 2016
SMART thinking: a review of recent developments in sequential multiple assignment randomized trials
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Current Epidemiology Reports 3, 225-232, 2016
Model validation and selection for personalized medicine using dynamic-weighted ordinary least squares
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 26 (4), 1641-1653, 2017
An R package for G-estimation of structural nested mean models
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Epidemiology 28 (2), e18-e20, 2017
Personalized versus standardized dosing strategies for the treatment of childhood amblyopia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
MJ Moseley, MP Wallace, DA Stephens, AR Fielder, LC Smith, ...
Trials 16, 1-7, 2015
Reward ignorant modeling of dynamic treatment regimes
MP Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens
Biometrical Journal 60 (5), 991-1002, 2018
Prevalence and severity of food insecurity before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic among adults and youth in Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, the United …
A Pepetone, EA Frongillo, KW Dodd, MP Wallace, D Hammond, ...
The Journal of Nutrition 153 (4), 1231-1243, 2023
Dynamic treatment regimes with interference
C Jiang, MP Wallace, ME Thompson
Canadian Journal of Statistics 51 (2), 469-502, 2023
Measurement error and precision medicine: Error‐prone tailoring covariates in dynamic treatment regimes
D Spicker, MP Wallace
Statistics in Medicine 39 (26), 3732-3755, 2020
DTRreg: DTR estimation and inference via G-Estimation, dynamic WOLS, Q-Learning, and dynamic weighted survival modeling (DWSurv)
M Wallace, EEM Moodie, DA Stephens, G Simoneau, J Schulz
R package version 1, 7, 2020
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