Simon Tjoa
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Citata da
Towards automating social engineering using social networking sites
M Huber, S Kowalski, M Nohlberg, S Tjoa
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 3 …, 2009
The role of ICT to achieve the UN sustainable development goals (SDG)
AM Tjoa, S Tjoa
ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment: 6th IFIP …, 2016
Forensics investigations of multimedia data: A review of the state-of-the-art
R Poisel, S Tjoa
2011 sixth international conference on IT security incident management and …, 2011
Enhancing business impact analysis and risk assessment applying a risk-aware business process modeling and simulation methodology
S Tjoa, S Jakoubi, G Quirchmayr
2008 Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2008
Integration of an ontological information security concept in risk aware business process management
G Goluch, A Ekelhart, S Fenz, S Jakoubi, S Tjoa, T Muck
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
A formal approach enabling risk-aware business process modeling and simulation
S Tjoa, S Jakoubi, G Goluch, G Kitzler, S Goluch, G Quirchmayr
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 4 (2), 153-166, 2010
Advanced file carving approaches for multimedia files.
R Poisel, S Tjoa, P Tavolato
J. Wirel. Mob. Networks Ubiquitous Comput. Dependable Appl. 2 (4), 42-58, 2011
Evidence and Cloud Computing: The Virtual Machine Introspection Approach.
R Poisel, E Malzer, S Tjoa
J. Wirel. Mob. Networks Ubiquitous Comput. Dependable Appl. 4 (1), 135-152, 2013
Rope: A methodology for enabling the risk-aware modelling and simulation of business processes
S Jakoubi, S Tjoa, G Quirchmayr
The Risks of the Blockchain - A Review on Current Vulnerabilities and Attacks
L König, S Unger, P Kieseberg, S Tjoa
Journal of Internet Services and Information Security 10 (3), 110-127, 2020
Comparing blockchain standards and recommendations
L König, Y Korobeinikova, S Tjoa, P Kieseberg
Future Internet 12 (12), 222, 2020
A comprehensive literature review of file carving
R Poisel, S Tjoa
2013 International conference on availability, reliability and security, 475-484, 2013
PenQuest: a gamified attacker/defender meta model for cyber security assessment and education
R Luh, M Temper, S Tjoa, S Schrittwieser, H Janicke
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 16, 19-61, 2020
Facebook watchdog: a research agenda for detecting online grooming and bullying activities
M Rybnicek, R Poisel, S Tjoa
2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2854-2859, 2013
A reference model for risk-aware business process management
S Jakoubi, S Tjoa
2009 Fourth International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and …, 2009
A survey of scientific approaches considering the integration of security and risk aspects into business process management
S Jakoubi, S Tjoa, G Goluch, G Quirchmayr
2009 20th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Application …, 2009
Towards resilient artificial intelligence: Survey and research issues
O Eigner, S Eresheim, P Kieseberg, LD Klausner, M Pirker, T Priebe, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR …, 2021
IoE security threats and you
J Ryoo, S Kim, J Cho, H Kim, S Tjoa, C DeRobertis
2017 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA), 13-19, 2017
A novel palm vein recognition approach based on Enhanced Local Gabor Binary Patterns Histogram Sequence
M Fischer, M Rybnicek, S Tjoa
19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2012
Deriving resource requirements applying risk-aware business process modeling and simulation
S Jakoubi, G Goluch, S Tjoa, G Quirchmayr
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20