Ameena Al-Sumaiti
Ameena Al-Sumaiti
Khalifa University
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Smart home activities: A literature review
A Saad al-sumaiti, MH Ahmed, MMA Salama
Electric Power Components and Systems 42 (3-4), 294-305, 2014
Optimal performance of dynamic particle swarm optimization based maximum power trackers for stand-alone PV system under partial shading conditions
S Obukhov, A Ibrahim, AAZ Diab, A Al Sumaiti, R Aboelsaud
IEEE Access, 2020
An Intelligent Secured Framework for Cyberattack Detection in Electric Vehicles CAN Bus Using Machine Learning
HM Omid Avatefipour, A.S. Al-Sumaiti, Ahmed M. El-Sherbeeny, Emad Mahrous ...
IEEE Access, 2019
Micro Water-Energy Nexus: Optimal Demand-Side Management and Quasi-Convex Hull Relaxation
Q Li, S Yu, A Al-Sumaiti, K Turitsyn
IEEE Transactions on Control Network Systems, 2018
A control strategy for voltage unbalance mitigation in an islanded microgrid considering demand side management capability
S Acharya, MS El-Moursi, A Al-Hinai, AS Al-Sumaiti, HH Zeineldin
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (3), 2558-2568, 2018
A Review on the State of the Art in Atrial Fibrillation Detection Enabled by Machine Learning
A Rizwan, A Zoha, I Mabrouk, H Sabbour, AS Al-Sumaiti, A Alomaniy, ...
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2020
Review Map of Comparative Designs for Wireless High-Power Transfer Systems in EV Applications: Maximum Efficiency, ZPA, and CC/CV Modes at Fixed Resonance Frequency Independent …
N The Hotch, JY Alsawalhi, K Al-Hosani, AS Al-Sumaiti, KAA Jaafari, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (4), 4857-4876, 2021
Tree Growth Based Optimization Algorithm for Parameter Extraction of Different Models of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules
ZM Ali, HM Sultan, R Aljendy, A Al Sumaiti, AAZ Diab
IEEE Access 8, 119668-119687, 2020
Optimal Design of an Islanded Microgrid with Load Shifting Mechanism Between Electrical and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
B Mohandes, S Acharya, M El Moursi, AS Al-Sumaiti, H Doukas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Sysetms 35 (4), 2642 - 2657, 2020
Smart energy optimization using heuristic algorithm in smart grid with integration of solar energy sources
U Asgher, M Babar Rasheed, AS Al-Sumaiti, A Ur-Rahman, I Ali, A Alzaidi, ...
Energies 11 (12), 3494, 2018
Decentralized Fractional Order Control Scheme for LFC of Deregulated Nonlinear Power Systems in Presence of EVs and RER
HH Alhelou, MEH Golshan, E Heydarian, P Siano, AS Al-Sumaiti
International conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technology, SEST 2018,, 2018
A Stochastic PV Model for Power System Planning Applications
AS Al-Sumaiti, M Ahmed, S Rivera, M El Moursi, M Salama, T Alsumaiti
IET Renewable Power Generation, 2019
Estimation of an Optimal PV Panel Cleaning Strategy Based on Both Annual Radiation Profile and Module Degradation
DL Alvarez, AS Al-Sumaiti, S Rivera
IEEE Access 8, 63832-63839, 2020
Conservation voltage reduction for autonomous microgrids based on V–I droop characteristics
AM Pasha, HH Zeineldin, AS Al-Sumaiti, MS El Moursi, EF El Sadaany
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (3), 1076-1085, 2017
Day-ahead offering strategy in the market for concentrating solar power considering thermoelectric decoupling by a compressed air energy storage
S Sun, S Kazemi-Rasi, L Kaigutha, M Marzband, H Nafisi, AS Al-Sumaiti
Applied Energy,accepted, 2022
Modeling and co-optimization of a micro water-energy nexus for smart communities
Q Li, S Yu, A Al-Sumaiti, K Turitsyn
2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2018
Further optimized scheduling of micro grids via dispatching virtual electricity storage offered by deferrable power-driven demands
HT Nguyen, AS Al-Sumaiti, K Turitsyn, Q Li, MS El Moursi
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 3494-3505, 2020
An Effective Secured Peer-to-Peer Energy Market Based on Blockchain Architecture for the Interconnected Microgrid and Smart Grid
A Kavousi-Fard, A Al-Sumaiti, M Sheykh, S Alyami, A Almutairi
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, accepted, 2021
A Secured Social-Economic Framework Based on PEM-Blockchain for Optimal Scheduling of Reconfigurable Interconnected Microgrids
F Yin, A Hajjiah, K Jermsittiparsert, AS Al-Sumaiti, SK Elsayed, ...
IEEE Access 9, 40797 – 40810, 2021
Coalition formation of microgrids with distributed energy resources and energy storage in energy market
J Valinejad, M Marzband, M Korkali, Y Xu, AS Al-Sumaiti
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 8 (5), 906-918, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20