Taewon Kim
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Underemployment and meaningful work: The role of psychological needs
T Kim, BA Allan
Journal of Career Assessment 28 (1), 76-90, 2020
Moderators of Involuntary Part-Time Work and Life Satisfaction: A Latent Deprivation Approach
BA Allan, T Kim, TY Liu, ED Deemer
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice., 2019
Underemployment and mental health: A longitudinal study.
BA Allan, T Kim, B Shein
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2022
Examining Classism and Critical Consciousness Within Psychology of Working Theory
T Kim, BA Allan
Journal of Career Assessment, 1-17, 2021
Unemployment and Underemployment: Prevention and Counseling Implications
BA Allan, T Kim
Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, 769-798, 2020
An examination of psychology of working theory with immigrant workers in the United States
T Kim, BA Allan, KL Autin
Journal of Career Assessment, 2022
Strengths and satisfaction in first year undergraduate students: A longitudinal study
BA Allan, RL Owens, T Kim, RP Douglass, J Hintz
The Journal of Positive Psychology 16 (1), 94-104, 2021
Cultural values, shame and guilt, and expressive suppression as predictors of depression
L Liw, C Ayse, T Kim
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 89, 90-99, 2022
Are work well-being variables distinct? A bifactor model of fulfilling work.
BA Allan, T Kim, TY Liu, RL Owens
Journal of counseling psychology 68 (4), 425, 2021
The myth of social mobility: subjective social mobility and mental health.
T Kim, E Joy, P Murphy, B Shein, BA Allan
The Counseling Psychologist, 2023
마음챙김이 워킹맘의 인지적, 심리적 유연성에 미치는 영향
유성경, 임영선, 김태원
상담학연구 18 (1), 389-411, 2017
워킹맘의 일 가정 양립 촉진을 위한 집단상담 프로그램 개발 및 효과성 검증
유성경, 임영선, 임인혜, 김태원, 정혜림, 황민혜
한국심리학회지: 여성 23 (3), 377-407, 2018
Social mobility through doctoral education: Exploring identity, classism, and belongingness.
PK Murphy, T Kim, EE Joy, B Shein, BA Allan
Journal of diversity in higher education, 2023
Social mobility and vocational outcomes: A psychology of working perspective
G Perez, RD Duffy, HJ Kim, T Kim
Journal of Career Assessment 31 (4), 794-811, 2023
Disentangling underemployment and precarious work: A latent profile analysis
BA Allan, T Kim, J Pham
Journal of Career Assessment 32 (3), 560-577, 2024
Perceived overqualification among therapists: an experimental study
BA Allan, HM Sterling, T Kim, EE Joy, DS Kahng
Journal of Career Assessment 32 (1), 142-153, 2024
Development and validation of the Work Capital Scale.
T Kim, BA Allan
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2024
Fluent or discriminated? English language and experiential sources of career self-efficacy among Asian international students in the United States
YL Garrison, T Kim, Y Son, C Aldrich, SR Ali, T Jiao
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-21, 2023
Context and Validation of the Korean Subjective Underemployment Scale (K-SUS): 한국의 불완전 취업 실태 및 주관적인 불완전 취업 척도 타당화
T Kim, BA Allan
Journal of Career Assessment 28 (4), 655-673, 2020
Social Mobility Among United States Immigrants: A Psychology of Working Perspective
Y Choi, RD Duffy, T Kim, B Bridges, G Perez, HJ Kim, J Park, M Steranka
The Counseling Psychologist 53 (1), 38-67, 2025
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