Ricarda Nater-Mewes
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
Head of the Outpatient Unit for Research, Teaching and Practice, University of Vienna
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Updates on the prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder: a population-based survey
U Buhlmann, H Glaesmer, R Mewes, JM Fama, S Wilhelm, E Brähler, ...
Psychiatry research 178 (1), 171-175, 2010
Psychometric properties and population‐based norms of the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT‐R)
H Glaesmer, W Rief, A Martin, R Mewes, E Brähler, M Zenger, A Hinz
British journal of health psychology 17 (2), 432-445, 2012
Sind Migranten häufiger von psychischen Störungen betroffen?
H Glaesmer, U Wittig, E Brähler, A Martin, R Mewes, W Rief
Psychiatrische Praxis 36 (01), 16-22, 2009
Lifetime traumatic experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder in the German population: results of a representative population survey
R Hauffa, W Rief, E Brähler, A Martin, R Mewes, H Glaesmer
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 199 (12), 934-939, 2011
Stress exacerbates pain in the everyday lives of women with fibromyalgia syndrome—The role of cortisol and alpha-amylase
S Fischer, JM Doerr, J Strahler, R Mewes, K Thieme, UM Nater
Psychoneuroendocrinology 63, 68-77, 2016
Are psychological features useful in classifying patients with somatic symptoms?
W Rief, R Mewes, A Martin, H Glaesmer, E Braehler
Psychosomatic Medicine 72 (7), 648-655, 2010
What is “normal” disability? An investigation of disability in the general population
R Mewes, W Rief, N Stenzel, H Glaesmer, A Martin, E Brähler
Pain 142 (1-2), 36-41, 2009
Das Essener Trauma-Inventar (ETI)–Ein Screeninginstrument zur Identifikation traumatischer Ereignisse und posttraumatischer Störungen
S Tagay
Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie, Psychotherapiewissenschaft …, 2007
The distinction between “medically unexplained” and “medically explained” in the context of somatoform disorders
K Klaus, W Rief, E Brähler, A Martin, H Glaesmer, R Mewes
International journal of behavioral medicine 20, 161-171, 2013
Health care utilization among first and second generation immigrants and native-born Germans: a population-based study in Germany
H Glaesmer, U Wittig, E Braehler, A Martin, R Mewes, W Rief
International Journal of Public Health 56, 541-548, 2011
Emotional distress and dysfunctional illness perception are associated with low mental and physical quality of life in Chinese breast cancer patients
L Tang, K Fritzsche, R Leonhart, Y Pang, J Li, L Song, I Fischer, M Koch, ...
Health and quality of life outcomes 15, 1-10, 2017
Evaluating new proposals for the psychiatric classification of patients with multiple somatic symptoms
W Rief, R Mewes, A Martin, H Glaesmer, E Brähler
Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine 73 (9), 760-768, 2011
Lower decision threshold for doctor visits as a predictor of health care use in somatoform disorders and in the general population
R Mewes, W Rief, E Brähler, A Martin, H Glaesmer
General hospital psychiatry 30 (4), 349-355, 2008
Posttraumatic stress disorder in hemodialysis patients
S Tagay, A Kribben, A Hohenstein, R Mewes, W Senf
American journal of kidney diseases 50 (4), 594-601, 2007
The impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related fears on disease-specific disability
DC Keil, NM Stenzel, K Kühl, I Vaske, R Mewes, W Rief, K Kenn
Chronic respiratory disease 11 (1), 31-40, 2014
Elevated hair cortisol concentrations in recently fled asylum seekers in comparison to permanently settled immigrants and non-immigrants
R Mewes, H Reich, N Skoluda, F Seele, UM Nater
Translational Psychiatry 7 (3), e1051-e1051, 2017
Perceived discrimination and impaired mental health in Turkish immigrants and their descendents in Germany
R Mewes, F Asbrock, J Laskawi
Comprehensive Psychiatry 62, 42-50, 2015
Cross-cultural validation of the German and Turkish versions of the PHQ-9: an IRT approach
H Reich, W Rief, E Brähler, R Mewes
BMC psychology 6, 1-13, 2018
Psychological predictors for health-related quality of life and disability in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
R Mewes, W Rief, K Kenn, J Ried, N Stenzel
Psychology & Health 31 (4), 470-486, 2016
Motivation for psychotherapy and illness beliefs in Turkish immigrant inpatients in Germany: Results of a cultural comparison study
H Reich, L Bockel, R Mewes
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2, 112-123, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20