Marco Tallini
Marco Tallini
Full Professor of Applied Geology University of L'Aquila
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Stable isotope (2H, 18O and 87Sr/86Sr) and hydrochemistry monitoring for groundwater hydrodynamics analysis in a karst aquifer (Gran Sasso, Central Italy)
M Barbieri, T Boschetti, M Petitta, M Tallini
Applied Geochemistry 20 (11), 2063-2081, 2005
Ground penetrating radar investigations for the restoration of historic buildings: the case study of the Collemaggio Basilica (L’Aquila, Italy)
D Ranalli, M Scozzafava, M Tallini
Journal of cultural heritage 5 (1), 91-99, 2004
New insights into the onset and evolution of the central Apennine extensional intermontane basins based on the tectonically active L’Aquila Basin (central Italy)
D Cosentino, R Asti, M Nocentini, E Gliozzi, T Kotsakis, M Mattei, D Esu, ...
Bulletin 129 (9-10), 1314-1336, 2017
Long-term trend and fluctuations of karst spring discharge in a Mediterranean area (central-southern Italy)
F Fiorillo, M Petitta, E Preziosi, S Rusi, L Esposito, M Tallini
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 153-172, 2015
Chemical and isotopic (δ18O‰, δ2H‰, δ13C‰, 222Rn) multi-tracing for groundwater conceptual model of carbonate aquifer (Gran Sasso INFN underground laboratory–central Italy)
RA Falcone, A Falgiani, B Parisse, M Petitta, M Spizzico, M Tallini
Journal of Hydrology 357 (3-4), 368-388, 2008
Water-table and discharge changes associated with the 2016–2017 seismic sequence in central Italy: hydrogeological data and a conceptual model for fractured carbonate aquifers
M Petitta, L Mastrorillo, E Preziosi, F Banzato, MD Barberio, A Billi, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (4), 1009-1026, 2018
HVNSR survey in historical downtown L'Aquila (central Italy): site resonance properties vs. subsoil model
F Del Monaco, M Tallini, C De Rose, F Durante
Engineering Geology 158, 34-47, 2013
Impact of the 6 April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake on groundwater flow in the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer, Central Italy
A Amoruso, L Crescentini, M Petitta, S Rusi, M Tallini
Hydrological Processes 25 (11), 1754-1764, 2011
Net infiltration in the Gran Sasso Massif of central Italy using the Thornthwaite water budget and curve-number method
M Scozzafava, M Tallini
Hydrogeology Journal 9, 461-475, 2001
Site response analyses for complex geological and morphological conditions: relevant case-histories from 3rd level seismic microzonation in Central Italy
A Pagliaroli, F Pergalani, A Ciancimino, A Chiaradonna, M Compagnoni, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18, 5741-5777, 2020
A record of changes in the Gran Sasso groundwater before, during and after the 2016 Amatrice earthquake, central Italy
G De Luca, G Di Carlo, M Tallini
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 15982, 2018
Changes on groundwater flow and hydrochemistry of the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer after 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
R Adinolfi Falcone, V Carucci, A Falgiani, M Manetta, B Parisse, M Petitta, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 131 (3), 459-474, 2012
A micromorphological index of soil development for the Quaternary geology research
D Magaldi, M Tallini
Catena 41 (4), 261-276, 2000
New insights into earthquake precursors from InSAR
M Moro, M Saroli, S Stramondo, C Bignami, M Albano, E Falcucci, S Gori, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12035, 2017
Idrodinamica sotterranea del massiccio del Gran Sasso (Abruzzo); muove indagini idrologiche, idrogeologiche e idrochimiche (1994-2001)
M Petitta, M Tallini
Bollettino della Società geologica italiana 121 (3), 343-363, 2002
Long-term spatio-temporal hydrochemical and^ sup 222^ Rn tracing to investigate groundwater flow and water-rock interaction in the Gran Sasso (central Italy) carbonate aquifer
M Tallini, B Parisse, M Petitta, M Spizzico
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (7), 1447, 2013
Parsimonious recharge/discharge modeling in carbonate fractured aquifers: The groundwater flow in the Gran Sasso aquifer (Central Italy)
A Amoruso, L Crescentini, M Petitta, M Tallini
Journal of hydrology 476, 136-146, 2013
Campagna di indagini geologiche, geotecniche e geofisiche per lo studio della risposta sismica locale della città dell’Aquila: la stratigrafia dei sondaggi giugno-agosto 2010
S Amoroso, F Del Monaco, F Di Eusebio, P Monaco, B Taddei, M Tallini, ...
CERFIS-Centro di Ricerca e Formazione in Ingegneria Sismica, Università dell …, 2010
Geological and geotechnical models definition for 3rd level seismic microzonation studies in Central Italy
M Amanti, C Muraro, M Roma, V Chiessi, LM Puzzilli, S Catalano, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18, 5441-5473, 2020
Evoluzione plio-quaternaria della conca di L'Aquila-Scoppito: studio preliminare
AM Blumetti, GP Cavinato, M Tallini
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 9 (1), 281-286, 1996
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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