Felix Jagert
Felix Jagert
Fraunhofer Society / Ruhr Universität Bochum
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Very recent and wide-spread basaltic volcanism on Mars
E Hauber, P Brož, F Jagert, P Jodłowski, T Platz
Geophys. Res. Lett. 38 (L10201), 5 PP., 2011
The reuse of the former Markgraf II colliery as a mine thermal energy storage
F Hahn, F Jagert, G Bussmann, I Nardini, R Bracke, T Seidel, T König
European Geothermal Congress 2019, 2019
Reutilization of mine water as a heat storage medium in abandoned mines
F Hahn, G Bussmann, F Jagert, R Ignacy, R Bracke, T Seidel
11th ICARD IMWA Conf, 1057-1062, 2018
Reutilization of mine water from heating and cooling in the abandoned colliery Dannebaum in Bochum
G Bussmann, K Appelhans, F Hahn, F Jagert, R Bracke, T Seidel, C König
European Geothermal Congress, 11-14, 2019
Co-production of geothermal energy and lithium from geothermal waters
K Alms, F Jagert, J Blömer, I Gehrke
Proc., European Congress, 2022
al, 2021. The reutilization of a small coal mine as a Mine Thermal Energy Storage
F Hahn, F Jagert, G Bussmann, I Nardini, R Bracke, T Seidel, T König
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, 2020
Mine water of abandoned coal mines for geothermal heat storage: Hydrogeochemical modeling and predictions
F Jagert, F Hahn, R Ignacy, G Bussmann, R Bracke
Proceedings from the 11th ICARD| IMWA| MWD 2018 Conference, 2018
Plains volcanism on Mars: Ages and rheology of lavas
E Hauber, P Broz, F Jagert
Lunar and Planetary Science XLI 1533, Abstract 1298, 2010
Geothermal Emission Gas Control (GECO) at the German Site, Bochum.
S Erstling, F Jagert, T Cremer, I Nardini, J Güldenhaupt
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Hydrogeochemical modelling of groundwater in a fractured Carboniferous sandstone aquifer
F Jagert, A Immenhauser, S Wohnlich
Grundwasser 28 (3), 225-242, 2023
Modelling the Injection of CO2 Enriched Groundwater into a Low-Temperature Fractured Rock Siliciclastic Reservoir at the German GECO Demo Site in Bochum
T Seidel, CM König, F Jagert, I Nardini
European Geothermal Congress (EGC) Berlin, 17-21, 2022
In-situ test site at the International Geothermal Centre Bochum
R Bracke, V Wittig, J Güldenhaupt, M Duda, F Stöckhert, G Bussmann, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13457, 2017
Age determination of martian low shield volcanoes by crater size-frequency measurements
F Jagert, E Hauber
Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation, 177-185, 2012
Wireline logging and video data of a 224 m deep exploration well in a carbonate karst in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
F Jagert, J Güldenhaupt, M Chatziliadou
10.1127/zdgg/2025/0450, 2024
Erschließung des Bergwerks Bochum Dannenbaum zur Wärme-und Kältenutzung: Bohrung und Pumpversuche
D Teza, D Boernecke, K Appelhans, F Jagert, J Raube, E Saenger
Der Geothermiekongress 2023, 2023
Die Erkundungsbohrung" Kabel-R1" im Massenkalk, Hagen-Steltenberg: Reservoirgeologie &-hydraulik
F Jagert, AM Immenhauser, S Wohnlich, G Bussmann
Der Geothermiekongress 2023, 2023
Hydrogeochemical exploration of deep groundwater in fractured aquifers for CO2-Mineral-Carbonation: A case study in Bochum, Germany
F Jagert, J Güldenhaupt, I Nardini
European Geothermal Congress 2022, 2022
Modeling of brine-rock interactions in German geothermal systems for future lithium recovery
F Jagert, K Alms
European Geothermal Congress 2022, 2022
Volcanic Plain, In: Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms
F Jagert
Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms - Volume 1, pp 2273-2277, 2015
Volcanic Plain
F Jagert
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20