Amir Jafari
Amir Jafari
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology
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On no-regret learning, fictitious play, and nash equilibrium
A Jafari, A Greenwald, D Gondek, G Ercal
ICML 1, 226-233, 2001
A general class of no-regret learning algorithms and game-theoretic equilibria
A Greenwald, A Jafari
Learning Theory and Kernel Machines: 16th Annual Conference on Learning …, 2003
The finite deformation of a pressurized circular tube for a class of compressible materials
AH Jafari, R Abeyaratne, CO Horgan
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP 35, 227-246, 1984
Evaluation MCDM multi-disjoint paths selection algorithms using fuzzy-copeland ranking method
H Naderi, HS Shahhoseini, AH Jafari
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 5 …, 2013
Regularization and generalized double shuffle relations for-adic multiple zeta values
H Furusho, A Jafari
Compositio Mathematica 143 (5), 1089-1107, 2007
Improvements on the k-center problem for uncertain data
S Alipour, A Jafari
Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI symposium on principles of …, 2018
On the notion of regret in infinitely repeated games
A Jafari
Brown University, 2003
On abelian and homomorphic secret sharing schemes
A Jafari, S Khazaei
Journal of Cryptology 34, 1-36, 2021
Partial secret sharing schemes
A Jafari, S Khazaei
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69 (8), 5364-5385, 2023
On matching property for groups and field extensions
M Aliabadi, M Hadian, A Jafari
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 15 (01), 1650011, 2016
A local constant approximation factor algorithm for minimum dominating set of certain planar graphs
S Alipour, A Jafari
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and …, 2020
On no-regret learning, Nash equilibrium, and fictitious play
A Greenwald, A Jafari, G Ercal, D Gondek
Proceedings of Eighteenth International Conference on Machine Learning, 226-233, 2001
On the chromatic number of generalized Kneser graphs and Hadamard matrices
A Jafari, MJ Moghaddamzadeh
Discrete Mathematics, 2019
On the chromatic number of generalized Kneser graphs
A Jafari, S Alipour
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 12 (2), 69-76, 2017
Upper bounds for k-tuple (total) domination numbers of regular graphs
S Alipour, A Jafari, M Saghafian
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 46 (2), 573-577, 2020
On some topological and combinatorial lower bounds on the chromatic number of Kneser type hypergraphs
S Azarpendar, A Jafari
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 146, 372-381, 2021
Upper bounds for the domination numbers of graphs using Turán’s theorem and Lovasz local lemma
S Alipour, A Jafari
Graphs and Combinatorics 35, 1153-1160, 2019
Randomized approximation algorithms for planar visibility counting problem
S Alipour, M Ghodsi, A Jafari
Theoretical Computer Science 707, 46-55, 2018
Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem: a generalization in a special case
A Greenwald, A Jafari, C Marks
Dept. of Computer Science, Brown University, CS-06-01, 2006
Algebraic cycles and motivic generic iterated integrals
H Furusho, A Jafari
arXiv preprint math/0506370, 2005
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20