Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta
Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta
Professor of New testament and Early Christianity
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The Early Christians and Human Sacrifice
LR Lanzillotta
The strange world of human sacrifice, 81-102, 2007
A way of salvation: Becoming like god in nag hammadi
LR Lanzillotta
Numen 60 (1), 71-102, 2013
The so-called envy of the gods: revisiting a dogma of ancient Greek religion
LR Lanzillotta
Myths, Martyrs, and Modernity: Studies in the History of Religions in Honour …, 2010
Plutarch in the religious and philosophical discourse of late antiquity
LR Lanzillotta, IM Gallarte
Brill, 2012
The Coptic
L Roig Lanzillotta
Studies on early Christian Apocrypha; 9: The Visio Pauli and the Gnostic …, 2007
The Apocalypse of Paul (NHC V, 2): Cosmology, Anthropology, and Ethics
LR Lanzillotta
Gnosis: Journal of gnostic studies 1 (1-2), 110-131, 2016
Plutarch’s idea of god in the religious and philosophical context of Late Antiquity
LR Lanzillotta
Plutarch in the Religious and Philosophical Discourse of Late Antiquity, 137-150, 2012
Christian Apologists and Greek Gods
LR Lanzillotta
Edinburgh Leventies Studies 5, 442-464, 2010
Does punishment reward the righteous? The justice pattern underlying the apocalypse of Peter
LR Lanzillotta
na, 2003
Plutarch’s Anthropology and its Influence on His Cosmological Framework
LR Lanzillotta
Natural spectaculars: Aspects of Plutarch’s Natural Philosophy, 179-195, 2015
A Syriac Original for the Acts of Thomas? The Theory of the Syriac Priority Revisited, Evaluated and Rejected
LR Lanzillotta
Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: The Role of Religion in Shaping …, 2015
Investigations of the relics and altar materials relating to the apostles St James and St Philip at the Basilica dei Santi XII Apostoli in Rome
KL Rasmussen, J van der Plicht, J La Nasa, E Ribechini, MP Colombini, ...
Heritage Science 9, 1-30, 2021
Spirit, Soul and Body in Nag Hammadi Literature: Distinguishing Anthropological Schemes in Valentinian, Sethian, Hermetic and Thomasine Texts
LR Lanzillotta
Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies 2 (1), 15-39, 2017
The envy of God in the Paradise Story according to the Greek Life of Adam and Eve
LR Lanzillotta
Flores Florentino, 537-550, 2007
Introduction: Plutarch at the Crossroads of Religion and Philosophy
LR Lanzillotta
Plutarch in the Religious and Philosophical Discourse of Late Antiquity, 1-21, 2012
Acta Andreae Apocrypha. A New Perspective on the Nature, Intention and Significance of the Primitive Text
LR Lanzillotta
Patrick Cramer Éditeur, 2007
La recepción de Platón, Timeo 28C en Clemente de Alejandría
VLR Lanzillotta, Lautaro
Pages 259–280 in Filiación. Volume 6: Cultura pagana, religión de Israel …, 2016
Dios como Padre y artífice en Moralia de Plutarco
LR Lanzillotta
Filiación: Cultura pagana, religión de Israel, orígenes del cristianismo …, 2014
Orphic Cosmogonies in the Pseudo-Clementines? Textual Relationship, Character and Sources of Homilies 6.3-13 and Recognitions 10.17-19.30
LR Lanzillotta
The Pseudo-Clementines, 115-141, 2010
One human being, three early Christian anthropologies. An assessment of Acta Andreae's tenor on the basis of its anthropological views
L Roig Lanzillotta
Vigiliae christianae 61 (4), 414-444, 2007
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