Dario Antonelli
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Dynamic task classification and assignment for the management of human-robot collaborative teams in workcells
G Bruno, D Antonelli
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 98, 2415-2427, 2018
Iot open-source architecture for the maintenance of building facilities
V Villa, B Naticchia, G Bruno, K Aliev, P Piantanida, D Antonelli
Applied Sciences 11 (12), 5374, 2021
Mapping industry 4.0 enabling technologies into united nations sustainability development goals
M M. Mabkhot, P Ferreira, A Maffei, P Podržaj, M Mądziel, D Antonelli, ...
Sustainability 13 (5), 2560, 2021
Combining factory simulation with value stream mapping: a critical discussion
D Antonelli, D Stadnicka
Procedia CIRP 67, 30-35, 2018
A reference ontology to support product lifecycle management
G Bruno, D Antonelli, A Villa
Procedia CIRP 33, 41-46, 2015
Multiple System Dynamics and Discrete Event Simulation for manufacturing system performance evaluation
D Antonelli, P Litwin, D Stadnicka
Procedia CIRP 78, 178-183, 2018
A Road Map to the development of European SME Networks
A Villa, D Antonelli
Torino, Italia: Springer, 2009
Analysis of diabetic patients through their examination history
D Antonelli, E Baralis, G Bruno, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, N Mahoto
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (11), 4672-4678, 2013
Human-robot collaborative work cell implementation through lean thinking
D Stadnicka, D Antonelli
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 32 (6), 580-595, 2019
Dynamic Distribution of Assembly Tasks in a Collaborative Workcell of Humans and Robots.
D Antonelli, G Bruno
FME Transactions 47 (4), 2019
Human factor in intelligent manufacturing systems-knowledge acquisition and motivation
D Stadnicka, P Litwin, D Antonelli
Procedia CIRP 79, 718-723, 2019
Proposal of a monitoring system for collaborative robots to predict outages and to assess reliability factors exploiting machine learning
K Aliev, D Antonelli
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1621, 2021
Enhancing the quality of manual spot welding through augmented reality assisted guidance
D Antonelli, S Astanin
Procedia Cirp 33, 556-561, 2015
Predicting and preventing mistakes in human-robot collaborative assembly
D Antonelli, D Stadnicka
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 743-748, 2019
Resin transfer moulding: mathematical modelling and numerical simulations
D Antonelli, A Farina
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 30 (12), 1367-1385, 1999
dP-FMEA: An innovative Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for distributed manufacturing processes
DA Maisano, F Franceschini, D Antonelli
Quality Engineering 32 (3), 267-285, 2020
Reflective workpiece detection and localization for flexible robotic cells
S Astanin, D Antonelli, P Chiabert, C Alletto
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 44, 190-198, 2017
Applicability of human-robot collaboration to small batch production
D Antonelli, S Astanin, G Bruno
Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World: 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference …, 2016
Machine learning framework for the sustainable maintenance of building facilities
V Villa, G Bruno, K Aliev, P Piantanida, A Corneli, D Antonelli
Sustainability 14 (2), 681, 2022
Tiphys: an open networked platform for higher education on industry 4.0
D Antonelli, DM D’Addona, A Maffei, V Modrak, G Putnik, D Stadnicka, ...
Procedia CIRP 79, 706-711, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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