Brenda K Bushouse
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Community nonprofit organizations and service-learning: Resource constraints to building partnerships with universities.
BK Bushouse
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 12 (1), 32-40, 2005
Crossing the divide: Building bridges between public administration practitioners and scholars
BK Bushouse, WS Jacobson, KT Lambright, JJ Llorens, RS Morse, ...
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21 (suppl_1), i99-i112, 2011
Governance structures: using IAD to understand variation in service delivery for club goods with information asymmetry
BK Bushouse
Policy Studies Journal 39 (1), 105-119, 2011
Universal preschool: Policy change, stability, and the Pew Charitable Trusts
BK Bushouse
State University of New York Press, 2009
Producing Knowledge For Practice: Assessing NVSQ 2000-2010
BK Bushouse, JE Sowa
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41 (3), 497-513, 2012
The intermediary roles of foundations in the policy process: Building coalitions of interest
BK Bushouse, JE Mosley
Interest Groups & Advocacy 7, 289-311, 2018
Leveraging nonprofit and voluntary action research to inform public policy
BK Bushouse
Policy Studies Journal 45 (1), 50-73, 2017
Early childhood education policy in Aotearoa/New Zealand: The creation of the 20 hours free programme
BK Bushouse
Fulbright New Zealand, 2008
The mixed economy of child care: An institutional analysis of nonprofit, for-profit, and public enterprises
BK Bushouse
Indiana University, 1999
Elinor Ostrom’s contribution to nonprofit and voluntary action studies
BK Bushouse, B Never, RK Christensen
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45 (4_suppl), 7S-26S, 2016
The institutional grammar: A method for coding institutions and its potential for advancing third sector research
BK Bushouse, CM Schweik, S Siddiki, D Rice, I Wolfson
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-8, 2021
The Missing Link: Collective-Choice Policymaking in Nonprofit, For-Profit, and Public Child Care Centers
BK Bushouse
West Virginia collaboration for creating universal prekindergarten
B Bushouse
Pub. Admin. Rev. 66, 154, 2006
The 20 hours free early childhood education programme: A USA perspective
B Bushouse
The New Zealand Annual Review of Education 18, 2008
The 20 hours (free) programme: Important choices ahead for New Zealand’s new government
BK Bushouse
Policy Quarterly 5 (1), 2009
Early childhood education policy in Aotearoa
BK Bushouse
New Zealand: The Creation of the 20 Hours Free Programme, Fulbright New …, 2008
Philanthropy as commons: An overview for discussion
B Never, RK Christensen, B Bushouse
Available at SSRN 4065110, 2022
A History of ARNOVA at Fifty
BK Bushouse, GR Witkowski, AJ Abramson
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 52 (1_suppl), 29S-67S, 2023
Managing for Volunteer Energy: Variations by Role in a Nonprofit Open Source Software Foundation
C Atkisson, BK Bushouse
OSF, 2023
Sustaining urban forests in post-industrial cities: Place attachment, ecology, and stewardship potential
PS Warren, RL Ryan, BK Bushouse, K Harper, K Stinson
Cities and the Environment (CATE) 16 (2), 4, 2023
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