Kimberly Balsam
Kimberly Balsam
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director of CLEAR, Palo Alto University
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Development of the gender minority stress and resilience measure.
RJ Testa, J Habarth, J Peta, K Balsam, W Bockting
Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity 2 (1), 65, 2015
Measuring multiple minority stress: the LGBT People of Color Microaggressions Scale.
KF Balsam, Y Molina, B Beadnell, J Simoni, K Walters
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 17 (2), 163, 2011
Victimization over the life span: a comparison of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual siblings.
KF Balsam, ED Rothblum, TP Beauchaine
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (3), 477, 2005
Adaptation to sexual orientation stigma: a comparison of bisexual and lesbian/gay adults.
KF Balsam, JJ Mohr
Journal of counseling psychology 54 (3), 306, 2007
Relationship quality and domestic violence in women's same-sex relationships: The role of minority stress
KF Balsam, DM Szymanski
Psychology of Women Quarterly 29 (3), 258-269, 2005
Suicidal ideation in transgender people: Gender minority stress and interpersonal theory factors.
RJ Testa, MS Michaels, W Bliss, ML Rogers, KF Balsam, T Joiner
Journal of abnormal psychology 126 (1), 125, 2017
Social support, trans community connectedness, and mental health symptoms among transgender and gender nonconforming adults.
SR Pflum, RJ Testa, KF Balsam, PB Goldblum, B Bongar
Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity 2 (3), 281, 2015
The Daily Heterosexist Experiences Questionnaire: Measuring minority stress among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults
KF Balsam, B Beadnell, Y Molina
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 46 (1), 3-25, 2013
Money, housework, sex, and conflict: Same-sex couples in civil unions, those not in civil unions, and heterosexual married siblings
SE Solomon, ED Rothblum, KF Balsam
Sex roles 52, 561-575, 2005
Mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual siblings: effects of gender, sexual orientation, and family.
KF Balsam, TP Beauchaine, RM Mickey, ED Rothblum
Journal of abnormal psychology 114 (3), 471, 2005
Psychosocial correlates of internalized homophobia in lesbians
DM Szymanski, YB Chung, KF Balsam
Measurement and Evaluation in counseling and Development 34 (1), 27-38, 2001
Three-year follow-up of same-sex couples who had civil unions in Vermont, same-sex couples not in civil unions, and heterosexual married couples.
KF Balsam, TP Beauchaine, ED Rothblum, SE Solomon
Developmental psychology 44 (1), 102, 2008
Pioneers in partnership: lesbian and gay male couples in civil unions compared with those not in civil unions and married heterosexual siblings.
SE Solomon, ED Rothblum, KF Balsam
Journal of Family Psychology 18 (2), 275, 2004
Development of the gender minority stress and resilience measure. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2 (1), 65–77
RJ Testa, J Habarth, J Peta, K Balsam, W Bockting
A multifactor lesbian, gay, and bisexual positive identity measure (LGB-PIM).
EDB Riggle, JJ Mohr, SS Rostosky, AW Fingerhut, KF Balsam
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 1 (4), 398, 2014
Disparities in health-related quality of life: A comparison of lesbians and bisexual women
KI Fredriksen-Goldsen, HJ Kim, SE Barkan, KF Balsam, SL Mincer
American journal of public health 100 (11), 2255-2261, 2010
Culture, trauma, and wellness: a comparison of heterosexual and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and two-spirit native americans.
KF Balsam, B Huang, KC Fieland, JM Simoni, KL Walters
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 10 (3), 287, 2004
Childhood abuse and mental health indicators among ethnically diverse lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults.
KF Balsam, K Lehavot, B Beadnell, E Circo
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 78 (4), 459, 2010
Nowhere to hide: Lesbian battering, homophobia, and minority stress
KF Balsam
Intimate Betrayal, 25-37, 2014
Mental health characteristics of sexual minority veterans
BN Cochran, K Balsam, A Flentje, CA Malte, T Simpson
Evolution of government policy towards homosexuality in the US military, 289-305, 2016
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