Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Christophe AndrieuUlteriori informazioni
Disponibili pubblicamente: 17
Convergence properties of pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms
C Andrieu, M Vihola
Mandati: Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Uniform ergodicity of the iterated conditional SMC and geometric ergodicity of particle Gibbs samplers
C Andrieu, A Lee, M Vihola
Mandati: Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Establishing some order amongst exact approximations of MCMCs
C Andrieu, M Vihola
Mandati: Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Hypocoercivity of piecewise deterministic Markov process-Monte Carlo
C Andrieu, A Durmus, N Nüsken, J Roussel
The Annals of Applied Probability 31 (5), 2478-2517, 2021
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Maximum marginal likelihood estimation of the granularity coefficient of a Potts-Markov random field within an MCMC algorithm
M Pereyra, N Whiteley, C Andrieu, JY Tourneret
2014 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), 121-124, 2014
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Quantitative convergence rates for subgeometric Markov chains
C Andrieu, G Fort, M Vihola
Journal of Applied Probability 52 (2), 391-404, 2015
Mandati: Academy of Finland
Peskun–Tierney ordering for Markovian Monte Carlo: beyond the reversible scenario
C Andrieu, S Livingstone
The Annals of Statistics 49 (4), 1958-1981, 2021
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Comparison of Markov chains via weak Poincaré inequalities with application to pseudo-marginal MCMC
C Andrieu, A Lee, S Power, AQ Wang
The Annals of Statistics 50 (6), 3592-3618, 2022
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Markovian stochastic approximation with expanding projections
C Andrieu, M Vihola
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
On the stability of some controlled Markov chains and its applications to stochastic approximation with Markovian dynamic
C Andrieu, VB Tadić, M Vihola
Mandati: Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Explicit convergence bounds for Metropolis Markov chains: Isoperimetry, spectral gaps and profiles
C Andrieu, A Lee, S Power, AQ Wang
The Annals of Applied Probability 34 (4), 4022-4071, 2024
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
On random-and systematic-scan samplers
C Andrieu
Biometrika 103 (3), 719-726, 2016
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Subgeometric hypocoercivity for piecewise-deterministic Markov process Monte Carlo methods
C Andrieu, P Dobson, AQ Wang
Electronic Journal of Probability 26, 1-26, 2021
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Engineering and …
Multilevel and quasi Monte Carlo methods for the calculation of the expected value of partial perfect information
W Fang, Z Wang, MB Giles, CH Jackson, NJ Welton, C Andrieu, H Thom
Medical Decision Making 42 (2), 168-181, 2022
Mandati: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Medical Research …
5′ Region Large Genomic Rearrangements in the BRCA1 Gene in French Families: Identification of a Tandem Triplication and Nine Distinct Deletions with Five …
SM Caputo, D Telly, A Briaux, J Sesen, M Ceppi, F Bonnet, V Bourdon, ...
Cancers 13 (13), 3171, 2021
Mandati: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail.
M Ruggenthaler, M Penz, R van Leeuwen
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 203202, 2015
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund, Academy of Finland
Pierre-Aurelien Gilliot, Christophe Andrieu, Anthony Lee, Song Liu, and Michael Whitehouse’s contribution to the Discussion of ‘the Discussion Meeting on Probabilistic and …
PA Gilliot, C Andrieu, A Lee, S Liu, M Whitehouse
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2024
Mandati: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Engineering and …
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