M. Chadli
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H−/H∞ fault detection filter design for discrete-time Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system
M Chadli, A Abdo, SX Ding
Automatica 49 (7), 1996-2005, 2013
Robust H∞ output-feedback control for path following of autonomous ground vehicles
C Hu, H Jing, R Wang, F Yan, M Chadli
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 70, 414-427, 2016
Mixed H-infinity and passive filtering for discrete fuzzy neural networks with stochastic jumps and time delays
P Shi, Y Zhang, M Chadli, RK Agarwal
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 27 (4), 903-909, 2015
Actuator and sensor faults estimation based on proportional integral observer for TS fuzzy model
T Youssef, M Chadli, HR Karimi, R Wang
Journal of the Franklin Institute 354 (6), 2524-2542, 2017
Input-based event-triggering consensus of multiagent systems under denial-of-service attacks
Y Xu, M Fang, ZG Wu, YJ Pan, M Chadli, T Huang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (4), 1455-1464, 2020
LMI solution for robust static output feedback control of discrete Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models
M Chadli, TM Guerra
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 20 (6), 1160-1165, 2012
Fuzzy model based multivariable predictive control of a variable speed wind turbine: LMI approach
S Bououden, M Chadli, S Filali, A El Hajjaji
Renewable Energy 37 (1), 434-439, 2012
Composite nonlinear feedback control for path following of four-wheel independently actuated autonomous ground vehicles
R Wang, C Hu, F Yan, M Chadli
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 17 (7), 2063-2074, 2016
Fuzzy fault detection filter design for T–S fuzzy systems in the finite-frequency domain
A Chibani, M Chadli, P Shi, NB Braiek
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25 (5), 1051-1061, 2016
A switched system approach to exponential stabilization of sampled-data T–S fuzzy systems with packet dropouts
M Wang, J Qiu, M Chadli, M Wang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 46 (12), 3145-3156, 2015
Discrete‐time H −  ∕ H ∞  sensor fault detection observer design for nonlinear systems with parameter uncertainty
S Aouaouda, M Chadli, P Shi, HR Karimi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 25 (3), 339-361, 2015
Diagnostic observer design for t–s fuzzy systems: Application to real-time-weighted fault-detection approach
L Li, M Chadli, SX Ding, J Qiu, Y Yang
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26 (2), 805-816, 2017
Robust fault tolerant tracking controller design for a VTOL aircraft
M Chadli, S Aouaouda, HR Karimi, P Shi
Journal of the Franklin Institute 350 (9), 2627-2645, 2013
Novel bounded real lemma for discrete-time descriptor systems: Application to H∞ control design
M Chadli, M Darouach
Automatica 48 (2), 449-453, 2012
An ant colony optimization-based fuzzy predictive control approach for nonlinear processes
S Bououden, M Chadli, HR Karimi
Information Sciences 299, 143-158, 2015
Fuzzy control for electric power steering system with assist motor current input constraints
D Saifia, M Chadli, HR Karimi, S Labiod
Journal of the Franklin Institute 352 (2), 562-576, 2015
A robust predictive control design for nonlinear active suspension systems
S Bououden, M Chadli, HR Karimi
Asian Journal of Control 18 (1), 122-132, 2016
Distributed state estimation, fault detection and isolation filter design for heterogeneous multi‐agent linear parameter‐varying systems
M Chadli, M Davoodi, N Meskin
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (2), 254-262, 2017
Evolutionary algorithms and chaotic systems - Evolutionary Dynamics as The Structure of Complex Networks
I Zelinka, D Davendra, M Chadli, R Senkerik, D T, S L
Springer, 2010
On stability and stabilization of singular uncertain Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems
M Chadli, HR Karimi, P Shi
Journal of the Franklin Institute 351 (3), 1453-1463, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20