Gurreet Brar
Gurreet Brar
California State University
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Effect of soil compaction on root development
HIM Taylor, GS Brar
Soil and Tillage Research 19 (2-3), 111-119, 1991
Germination of twenty forage legumes as influenced by temperature
GS Brar, JF Gomez, BL McMichael, AG Matches, HM Taylor
Agronomy journal 83 (1), 173-175, 1991
Race Characterization of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the Cause of Wheat Stripe Rust, in Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta, Canada and Virulence …
GS Brar, HR Kutcher
Plant Disease 100 (8), 1744-1753, 2016
Germination under controlled temperature and field emergence of 13 sorghum cultivars
GS Brar, BA Stewart
Crop science 34 (5), 1336-1340, 1994
Genetic factors affecting Fusarium head blight resistance improvement from introgression of exotic Sumai 3 alleles (including Fhb1, Fhb2, and Fhb5) in hard red …
GS Brar, AL Brûlé-Babel, Y Ruan, MA Henriquez, CJ Pozniak, HR Kutcher, ...
BMC plant biology 19, 1-19, 2019
Modeling sorghum seedling establishment from soil wetness and temperature of drying seed zones
GS Brar, JL Steiner, PW Unger, SS Prihar
Agronomy Journal 84 (5), 905-910, 1992
Variations and correlations in oil content and fatty acid composition of sesame.
GS Brar
Photosynthetic response of wheat to soil water deficits in the tropics
GS Brar, S Kar, NT Singh
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 165 (5), 343-348, 1990
Root development of 12 forage legumes as affected by temperature
GS Brar, JF Gomez, AG Matches, HM Taylor, BL McMichael
Agronomy Journal 82 (5), 1024-1026, 1990
Evaluation of Fusarium head blight resistance genes Fhb1, Fhb2, and Fhb5 introgressed into elite Canadian hard red spring wheats: effect on agronomic and end …
GS Brar, CJ Pozniak, HR Kutcher, PJ Hucl
Molecular Breeding 39 (3), 44, 2019
Alternate bearing in pistachio (Pistacia vera L.): a review
M Khezri, R Heerema, G Brar, L Ferguson
Trees 34, 855-868, 2020
Genetic mapping of resistance in hexaploid wheat for a quarantine disease: Karnal bunt
GS Brar, G Fuentes-Dávila, X He, CP Sansaloni, RP Singh, PK Singh
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1497, 2018
Tall and hard fescue responses to periodic soil water deficits
GS Brar, AJ Palazzo
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 175 (4), 221-229, 1995
Resistance evaluation of differentials and commercial wheat cultivars to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) infection in hot spot regions of Canada
GS Brar, R Dhariwal, HS Randhawa
European Journal of Plant Pathology 152, 493-502, 2018
Diallel analysis of some processing attributes in tomato
S Singh, MS Dhaliwal, DS Cheema, GS Brar
Journal of Genetics and Breeding 52, 265-270, 1998
Fungicide and cultivar management of leaf spot diseases of winter wheat in Western Canada
HR Kutcher, TK Turkington, DL McLaren, RB Irvine, GS Brar
Plant disease 102 (9), 1828-1833, 2018
Shoot and root development of tall and hard fescues in two different soils
GS Brar, AJ Palazzo
Journal of environmental quality 24 (4), 777-781, 1995
Hydraulic conductivity of cotton roots as influenced by plant age and rooting medium
GS Brar, BL McMichael, HM Taylor
Agronomy journal 83 (1), 264-266, 1991
Male-sterility in sesame.
GS Brar
Breeding tomato for high productivity
S Singh, MS Dhaliwal, DS Cheema, GS Brar
Advances in Horticultural Science, 95-98, 1999
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