Quang Thang Do
Quang Thang Do
Altri nomiĐỗ Quang Thắng, Do Quang Thang
Associate Professor in Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Nha Trang University
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Experimental investigations on the failure modes of ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure
SR Cho, T Muttaqie, QT Do, S Kim, SM Kim, DH Han
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 10 (6 …, 2018
Station-keeping control of a hovering over-actuated autonomous underwater vehicle under ocean current effects and model uncertainties in horizontal plane
MT Vu, HNN Le Thanh, TT Huynh, QT Do, T Duc, QD Hoang, TH Le
IEEE Access 9, 6855-6867, 2021
Study on dynamic behavior of unmanned surface vehicle-linked unmanned underwater vehicle system for underwater exploration
MT Vu, M Van, DHP Bui, QT Do, TT Huynh, SD Lee, HS Choi
Sensors 20 (5), 1329, 2020
Residual strength of damaged ring-stiffened cylinders subjected to external hydrostatic pressure
QT Do, SR Shin, Hyun Kyoung, Cho
Marine Structures 56, 186-205, 2017
Dynamic lateral mass impact on steel stringer-stiffened cylinders
QT Do, T Muttaqie, HK Shin, SR Cho
International Journal of Impact Engineering 116, 105-126, 2018
Numerical studies of the failure modes of ring-stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure
T Muttaqie, QT Do
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 70 (4), 431-443, 2019
Ultimate strength formulation considering failure mode interactions of ring-stiffened cylinders subjected to hydrostatic pressure
QT Do, SR Cho, T Muttaqie, HY So, JM Sohn
Ocean Engineering 161, 242-256, 2018
Ultimate strength of intact and dented steel stringer-stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure
QT Do, T Muttaqie, SH Park, HK Shin, SR Cho
Thin-Walled Structures 132, 442-460, 2018
Residual ultimate strength assessment of submarine pressure hull under dynamic ship collision
QT Do, T Muttaqie, PT Nhut, MT Vu, ND Khoa, AR Prabowo
Ocean Engineering 266, 112951, 2022
Experimental study on ultimate strength of steel-welded ring-stiffened conical shell under external hydrostatic pressure
SR Cho, T Muttaqie, QT Do, SH Park, SM Kim, HY So, JM Sohn
Marine Structures 67, 102634, 2019
Predicting the collision damage of steel ring-stiffened cylinders and their residual strength under hydrostatic pressure
QT Do, T Muttaqie, SH Park, HK Shin, SR Cho
Ocean Engineering 169, 326-343, 2018
A cluster-based data splitting method for small sample and class imbalance problems in impact damage classification
QH Doan, SH Mai, QT Do, DK Thai
Applied Soft Computing 120, 108628, 2022
Implicit-based computer-aided design for additively manufactured functionally graded cellular structures
CHP Nguyen, Y Kim, QT Do, Y Choi
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 8 (3), 813-823, 2021
Land and marine-based structures subjected to explosion loading: A review on critical transportation and infrastructure
AR Prabowo, QT Do, B Cao, DM Bae
Procedia Structural Integrity 27, 77-84, 2020
Residual ultimate strength formulations of locally damaged steel stiffened cylinders under combined loads
QT Do, SR Cho, MT Vu, QV Vu, DK Thai
Ocean Engineering 225, 108802, 2021
Developing empirical formulations to predict residual strength and damages in tension-leg platform hulls after a collision
QT Do, T Ghanbari-Ghazijahani, AR Prabowo
Ocean Engineering 286, 115668, 2023
A new formulation for predicting the collision damage of steel stiffened cylinders subjected to dynamic lateral mass impact
QT Do, VV Huynh, MT Vu, VV Tuyen, N Pham-Thanh, TH Tra, QV Vu, ...
Applied sciences 10 (11), 3856, 2020
Effects of local denting and fracture damage on the residual longitudinal strength of box girders
SH Park, SH Yoon, T Muttaqie, QT Do, SR Cho
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (1), 76, 2023
Mechanical behavior of thin-walled steel under hard contact with rigid seabed rock: Theoretical contact approach and nonlinear FE calculation
A Rio Prabowo, T Tuswan, R Adiputra, QT Do, JM Sohn, E Surojo, ...
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 30 (1), 156-170, 2021
Optimal design of longitudinal stiffeners of unsymmetric plate girders subjected to pure bending
SE Kim, G Papazafeiropoulos, C Graciano, VH Truong, QT Do, Z Kong, ...
Ocean Engineering 221, 108374, 2021
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