Chi Zhang 张弛
Chi Zhang 张弛
Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
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A new model for the spectral induced polarization signature of bacterial growth in porous media
A Revil, E Atekwana, C Zhang, A Jardani, S Smith
Water Resources Research 48 (9), 2012
Induced polarization applied to biogeophysics: recent advances and future prospects
P Kessouri, A Furman, JA Huisman, T Martin, A Mellage, D Ntarlagiannis, ...
Near Surface Geophysics 17 (6-Recent Developments in Induced Polarization …, 2019
Assessment of the major odor contributors and health risks of volatile compounds in three disposal technologies for municipal solid waste
XZ Yao, RC Ma, HJ Li, C Wang, C Zhang, SS Yin, D Wu, XY He, J Wang, ...
Waste Management 91, 128-138, 2019
Content and morphology of lead remediated by activated carbon and biochar: A spectral induced polarization study
N Hao, J Cao, J Ye, C Zhang, C Li, B Bate
Journal of Hazardous Materials 411, 124605, 2021
Spectral induced polarization signatures of hydroxide adsorption and mineral precipitation in porous media
C Zhang, L Slater, G Redden, Y Fujita, T Johnson, D Fox
Environmental science & technology 46 (8), 4357-4364, 2012
An application of hydraulic tomography to a deep coal mine: combining traditional pumping tests with water inrush incidents
D Mao, Z Liu, W Wang, S Li, Y Gao, Z Xu, C Zhang
Journal of Hydrology 567, 1-11, 2018
Effect of solution chemistry and aggregation on adsorption of perfluorooctanesulphonate (PFOS) to nano-sized alumina
JM Jian, C Zhang, F Wang, X Lu, F Wang, EY Zeng
Environmental Pollution 251, 425-433, 2019
Estimating irreducible water saturation and permeability of sandstones from nuclear magnetic resonance measurements by fractal analysis
L Peng, C Zhang, H Ma, H Pan
Marine and Petroleum Geology 110, 565-574, 2019
Permeability Prediction in Rocks Experiencing Mineral Precipitation and Dissolution: A Numerical Study
Q Niu, C Zhang
Water Resources Research, 2019
Quadrature conductivity: A quantitative indicator of bacterial abundance in porous media
C Zhang, A Revil, Y Fujita, J Munakata-Marr, G Redden
Geophysics 79 (6), D363-D375, 2014
Spectral induced polarization study on enzyme induced carbonate precipitations: influences of size and content on stiffness of a fine sand
B Bate, J Cao, C Zhang, N Hao
Acta Geotechnica 16 (3), 841-857, 2021
Study on the characterization of pore structure and main controlling factors of pore development in gas shale
Z Xu, W Shi, G Zhai, N Peng, C Zhang
Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience 5 (5), 255-271, 2020
Physical explanation of Archie's porosity exponent in granular materials: a process‐based, pore‐scale numerical study
Q Niu, C Zhang
Geophysical Research Letters, 2018
Alternative stable states and hydrological regime shifts in a large intermittent river
S Zipper, I Popescu, K Compare, C Zhang, EC Seybold
Environmental Research Letters 17 (7), 074005, 2022
Evaluating the potential of carbonate sub-facies classification using NMR longitudinal over transverse relaxation time ratio
F Zhang, C Zhang
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 5 (1), 87-103, 2021
Joint inversion of NMR and SIP data to estimate pore size distribution of geomaterials
Q Niu, C Zhang
Geophysical Journal International 212 (3), 1791-1805, 2018
Pore characteristics of the carbonate shoal from fractal perspective
D Wei, Z Gao, C Zhang, T Fan, GM Karubandika, M Meng
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 174, 1249-1260, 2019
Variable secondary porosity modeling of carbonate rocks based on μ-CT images
X Nie, C Zhang, C Wang, S Nie, J Zhang, C Zhang
Open Geosciences 11 (1), 617-626, 2019
Complex dielectric properties of sulfate-reducing bacteria suspensions
C Zhang, L Slater, C Prodan
Geomicrobiology Journal 30 (6), 490-496, 2013
Monitoring microbial sulfate reduction in porous media using multipurpose electrodes
C Zhang, D Ntarlagiannis, L Slater, R Doherty
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G3), 2010
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