Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Karl GotthardUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 2
Towards a mechanistic understanding of insect life history evolution: oxygen-dependent induction of moulting explains moulting sizes
SM Kivelä, M Friberg, C Wiklund, O Leimar, K Gotthard
Biological journal of the Linnean Society 117 (3), 586-600, 2016
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Adaptive developmental plasticity in a butterfly: mechanisms for size and time at pupation differ between diapause and direct development
SM Kivelä, M Friberg, C Wiklund, K Gotthard
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122 (1), 46-57, 2017
Mandati: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Disponibili pubblicamente: 64
Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year
CJ Macgregor, CD Thomas, DB Roy, MA Beaumont, JR Bell, T Brereton, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 4455, 2019
Mandati: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Evolutionary impacts of winter climate change on insects
KE Marshall, K Gotthard, CM Williams
Current Opinion in Insect Science 41, 54-62, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Energy and lipid metabolism during direct and diapause development in a pierid butterfly
P Lehmann, P Pruisscher, D Posledovich, M Carlsson, R Käkelä, P Tang, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (19), 3049-3060, 2016
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Local adaptation of photoperiodic plasticity maintains life cycle variation within latitudes in a butterfly
O Lindestad, CW Wheat, S Nylin, K Gotthard
Ecology 100 (1), e02550, 2019
Mandati: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Urbanization extends flight phenology and leads to local adaptation of seasonal plasticity in Lepidoptera
T Merckx, ME Nielsen, J Heliölä, M Kuussaari, LB Pettersson, J Pöyry, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (40), e2106006118, 2021
Mandati: Academy of Finland, Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural …
Seasonality maintains alternative life-history phenotypes
SM Kivelä, P Välimäki, K Gotthard
Evolution 67 (11), 3145-3160, 2013
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Genetic variation underlying local adaptation of diapause induction along a cline in a butterfly
P Pruisscher, S Nylin, K Gotthard, CW Wheat
Molecular ecology 27 (18), 3613-3626, 2018
Mandati: Academy of Finland, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research …
Latitudinal variation in diapause duration and post-winter development in two pierid butterflies in relation to phenological specialization
D Posledovich, T Toftegaard, C Wiklund, J Ehrlén, K Gotthard
Oecologia 177, 181-190, 2015
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Asymmetric life-history decision-making in butterfly larvae
M Friberg, IM Aalberg Haugen, J Dahlerus, K Gotthard, C Wiklund
Oecologia 165, 301-310, 2011
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Intraspecific variation in body size and the rate of reproduction in female insects–adaptive allometry or biophysical constraint?
D Berger, M Olofsson, M Friberg, B Karlsson, C Wiklund, K Gotthard
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (6), 1244-1258, 2012
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Timing of diapause termination in relation to variation in winter climate
P Lehmann, W Van Der Bijl, S Nylin, CW Wheat, K Gotthard
Physiological Entomology 42 (3), 232-238, 2017
Mandati: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Thermal performance under constant temperatures can accurately predict insect development times across naturally variable microclimates
L von Schmalensee, K Hulda Gunnarsdóttir, J Näslund, K Gotthard, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (8), 1633-1645, 2021
Mandati: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Climate change, phenology, and butterfly host plant utilization
JA Navarro-Cano, B Karlsson, D Posledovich, T Toftegaard, C Wiklund, ...
Ambio 44, 78-88, 2015
Mandati: Government of Spain
Metabolome dynamics of diapause in the butterfly Pieris napi: distinguishing maintenance, termination and post-diapause phases
P Lehmann, P Pruisscher, V Koštál, M Moos, P Šimek, S Nylin, R Agren, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (2), jeb169508, 2018
Mandati: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Diapause induction and relaxed selection on alternative developmental pathways in a butterfly
IM Aalberg Haugen, K Gotthard
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (2), 464-472, 2015
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Longer and warmer prewinter periods reduce post‐winter fitness in a diapausing insect
ME Nielsen, P Lehmann, K Gotthard
Functional Ecology 36 (5), 1151-1162, 2022
Mandati: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Ecological constraints on female fitness in a phytophagous insect
D Berger, M Olofsson, K Gotthard, C Wiklund, M Friberg
The American Naturalist 180 (4), 464-480, 2012
Mandati: Swedish Research Council
Winter chilling speeds spring development of temperate butterflies
S Stålhandske, K Gotthard, O Leimar
Journal of Animal Ecology 86 (4), 718-729, 2017
Mandati: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council, UK Natural …
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