Amanda J. Sharkey
Amanda J. Sharkey
Associate Professor, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
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The Paradox of Publicity: How Awards Can Negatively Affect the Evaluation of Quality
B Kovacs, A Sharkey
Administrative Science Quarterly 59 (1), 1-33, 2014
Entrepreneurship as a Mobility Process•
JB Sørensen, AJ Sharkey
American Sociological Review 79 (2), 328-349, 2014
Categories and Organizational Status: The Role of Industry Status in the Response to Organizational Deviance
AJ Sharkey
American Journal of Sociology 119 (5), 1380-1433, 2014
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Evidence of Perceptual Factors in the Multiple-Category Discount
MD Leung, AJ Sharkey
Organization Science 25 (1), 171-184, 2013
Can ratings have indirect effects? Evidence from the organizational response to peers’ environmental ratings
AJ Sharkey, P Bromley
American Sociological Review 80 (1), 63-91, 2015
Concepts and categories: Foundations for sociological and cultural analysis
MT Hannan, G Le Mens, G Hsu, B Kovács, G Negro, L Pólos, E Pontikes, ...
Columbia University Press, 2019
Unequal Hard Times: The Influence of the Great Recession on Gender Bias in Entrepreneurial Financing
S Thébaud, AJ Sharkey
Sociological Science 3, 1-31, 2015
Expert Critics, Rankings, and Review Aggregators: The Changing Nature of Intermediation and the Rise of Markets with Multiple Intermediaries
AJ Sharkey, B Kovacs, GH Hsu
Academy of Management Annals, 2022
Casting Call: The Expanding Nature of Actorhood in US Firms, 1960-2010
P Bromley, AJ Sharkey
Accounting, Organizations and Society 59 (1), 3-20, 2017
Under pressure: Reputation, ratings, and inaccurate self‐reporting in the nursing home industry
A Ody‐Brasier, A Sharkey
Strategic Management Journal 40 (10), 1517-1544, 2019
The Impact of Mandated Pay Gap Transparency on Firms’ Reputations as Employers
A Sharkey, E Pontikes, G Hsu
Administrative Science Quarterly, 00018392221124614, 2022
The many gifts of status: How attending to audience reactions drives the use of status
AJ Sharkey, B Kovács
Management Science 64 (11), 5422-5443, 2018
Reciprocity on the Hardwood: Passing Patterns among Professional Basketball Players
R Willer, A Sharkey, S Frey
PloS one 7 (12), e49807, 2012
The dark side of status
AJ Sharkey
Journal of Management Inquiry 27 (4), 368-370, 2018
The Stickiness of Category Labels: Audience Perception and Evaluation of Change in Creative Markets
B Kovács, G Hsu, A Sharkey
The Perils of False Certainty A Comment on the ASA Amicus Brief in Dukes vs. Wal-Mart
JB Sørensen, AJ Sharkey
Sociological Methods & Research 40 (4), 635-645, 2011
Accounting for Negative Attention: Status and Costs in the Market for Audit Services
A Ody-Brasier, AJ Sharkey
Organization Science, 2023
Corporate social responsibility at the margins: Firms' responses to marginal inclusion on the Vault Law 100 ranking
W Jung, A Sharkey, D Tan
Strategic Management Journal 45 (12), 2548-2576, 2024
Sieves and Lenses: Essays on the Role of Categories in Social Valuation
AJ Sharkey
Stanford University, 2010
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–19