Amir Hossein Amiri Mehra
Amir Hossein Amiri Mehra
Ph.D. in Control Systems Engineering
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Optimal control design of impulsive SQEIAR epidemic models with application to COVID-19
Z Abbasi, I Zamani, AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, A Ibeas
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 139, 110054, 2020
Parameter Estimation and Prediction of COVID-19 Epidemic Turning Point and Ending Time of a Case Study on SIR/SQAIR Epidemic Models
AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, Z Abbasi, I Zamani
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2020, 2020
Observer-based adaptive PI sliding mode control of developed uncertain SEIAR influenza epidemic model considering dynamic population
AH Amiri Mehra, I Zamani, Z Abbasi, A Ibeas
Journal of theoretical biology 482, 109984, 2019
Modeling, control and drug development for COVID-19 outbreak prevention
AT Azar, AE Hassanien
Springer, 2022
Vaccination and isolation based control design of the COVID-19 pandemic based on adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system optimized with the genetic algorithm
Z Abbasi, M Shafieirad, AH Amiri Mehra, I Zamani
Evolving Systems 14 (3), 413-435, 2023
Optimal Allocation of Vaccine and Antiviral Drugs for Influenza Containment over Delayed Multiscale Epidemic Model considering Time-Dependent Transmission Rate
Z Abbasi, I Zamani, AH Amiri Mehra, A Ibeas, M Shafieirad
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2021, 2021
Leader-Following Consensus Considering Effects of Agents on Each Other via Impulsive Control: A Topology Dependent Average Dwell Time Approach
AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, I Zamani
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2022
Multi-objective optimization of lateral stability strength of transversely loaded laminated composite beams with varying I-section
M Soltani, R Abolghasemian, M Shafieirad, Z Abbasi, AH Amiri Mehra, ...
Journal of Composite Materials, 2022
Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Design and Analysis of an SQEIAR Epidemic Model for COVID-19 to Determine the Quarantine Rate
AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, Z Abbasi, I Zamani, Z Aarabi
Journal of Control 14 (5), 59-70, 2021
Robust stability for affine TS fuzzy impulsive control systems subject to parametric uncertainties
I Zamani, AH Amiri Mehra, Z Abbasi, M Shafiee
2019 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1102-1107, 2019
Optimal Control of SEIR Epidemic Model Considering Nonlinear Transmission Rate and Time Delay
Z Abbasi, I Zamani, AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad
2021 7th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation …, 2021
Laminated optimization of non-uniform I-shaped beams under transversely loading with clamped-free boundary conditions
M Soltani, R Abolghasemian, AR Ghasemi, M Shafieirad, Z Abbasi, ...
Structures 47, 1524-1530, 2023
Leader‐following consensus and qualitative analysis of a new multi‐agent‐based epidemic model
AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, I Zamani
IET Control Theory & Applications 18 (4), 408-421, 2024
Optimal control design of impulsive SQEIAR epidemic models with application to COVID-19
Z Abbasi, M Shafieirad, AH Amiri Mehra, I Zamani, A Ibeas
Modeling, Control and Drug Development for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention, 479-519, 2022
Optimized ANFIS-based Control Design Using Genetic Algorithm to Obtain the Vaccination and Isolation Rates for the COVID-19
Z Abbasi, M Shafieirad, AH Amiri Mehra, I Zamani
2021 29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 731-735, 2021
Nonlinear robust adaptive sliding mode control strategy for innate immune response to influenza virus
Z Abbasi, I Zamani, SH Nosrati, AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, A Ibeas
IETE Journal of Research, 1-13, 2022
Linear Modeling of the Impact of Pests and Diseases on the Growth Process of Strawberry Plants in the State Space
Z Abbasi, I Zamani, M Shafieirad, AH Amiri Mehra, M Hosseini Farahi
Journal of Horticultural Science, 2021
Stability Analysis of a New Switched SEIAR-Vac-Iso Epidemic Model for the COVID-19
AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, Z Abbasi, I Zamani
2021 29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 726-730, 2021
Parameter estimation of MIMO two-dimensional ARMAX model based on IGLS method.
Z Hayati, M Shafieirad, I Zamani, AH Amiri Mehra, Z Abbasi
Control & Cybernetics 50 (3), 2021
Impact of the Effect Term on Convergence Speed in Multi-Agent Systems
AH Amiri Mehra, M Shafieirad, I Zamani, Z Abbasi
2024 10th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and …, 2024
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