Douglas O. Cardoso
Douglas O. Cardoso
University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics
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Weightless neural networks for open set recognition
DO Cardoso, J Gama, FMG França
Machine Learning 106 (9), 1547-1567, 2017
Financial credit analysis via a clustering weightless neural classifier
DO Cardoso, DS Carvalho, DSF Alves, DFP Souza, HCC Carneiro, ...
Neurocomputing 183, 70-78, 2016
A bounded neural network for open set recognition
DO Cardoso, F França, J Gama
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2015
A weightless neural network-based approach for stream data clustering
D Cardoso, M De Gregorio, P Lima, J Gama, F França
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2012: 13th …, 2012
Clustering data streams with weightless neural networks.
DO Cardoso, PMV Lima, M De Gregorio, J Gama, FMG França
ESANN 2011, 19th, 2011
Wcds: A two-phase weightless neural system for data stream clustering
DO Cardoso, FMG França, J Gama
New Generation Computing 35 (4), 391-416, 2017
Weightless neuro-symbolic GPS trajectory classification
R Barbosa, DO Cardoso, D Carvalho, FMG Franca
Neurocomputing 298, 100-108, 2018
Online evaluation of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test on arbitrarily large samples
DO Cardoso, TD Galeno
Journal of Computational Science 67, 101959, 2023
Credit analysis with a clustering RAM-based neural classifier.
DO Cardoso, DS Carvalho, DSF Alves, DFP de Souza, HCC Carneiro, ...
ESANN, 2014
Wips: the wisard indoor positioning system
DO Cardoso, J Gama, M De Gregorio, FMG Franca, M Giordano, ...
Desenvolvimento de um Framework de Aprendizado de Máquina no Apoio a Gateways Científicos Verdes, Inteligentes e Eficientes: BioinfoPortal como Caso de Estudo Brasileiro
M Coelho, G Freire, K Ocaña, C Osthoff, M Galheigo, AR Carneiro, F Boito, ...
Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (SSCAD), 205-216, 2022
Multi-Armed Bandits for Minesweeper: Profiting From Exploration–Exploitation Synergy
IQ Lordeiro, DB Haddad, DO Cardoso
IEEE Transactions on Games 14 (3), 403-412, 2021
Data assimilation by neural network for ocean circulation: parallel implementation
HFC Velho, HCM Furtado, SBM Sambatti, CBOF de Barros, MES Welter, ...
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 9 (1), 74-86, 2022
DynComm: An R Package for Evolving and Dynamic Community Detection in Social Networks
RP Sarmento, L Lemos, M Cordeiro, G Rossetti, D Cardoso
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP) 12 (4 …, 2021
An empirical study of the influence of data structures on the performance of VG-RAM classifiers
DSF Alves, DO Cardoso, HCC Carneiro, FMG França, PMV Lima
2013 BRICS Congress on Computational Intelligence and 11th Brazilian …, 2013
Motivational factors for patenting: A study of the Brazilian researchers profile
CS de Jesus, D de Oliveira Cardoso, CG de Souza
World Patent Information 75, 102241, 2023
An analysis of political parties cohesion based on congressional speeches
WPC Lima, LC Marques, LS Assis, DO Cardoso
International Conference on Computational Science, 105-119, 2023
Text documents streams with improved incremental similarity
RP Sarmento, D O. Cardoso, K Dearo, P Brazdil, J Gama
Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, 1-9, 2021
A neuro-symbolic approach to GPS trajectory classification
R Barbosa, DO Cardoso, D Carvalho, FM França
Proceedings of European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 411-416, 2017
Uma arquitetura para agrupamento de dados em fluxo contınuo baseada em redes neurais sem pesos
D de Oliveira Cardoso
Ph. D. dissertation, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20