Ryan Duffy
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Measuring meaningful work: The work and meaning inventory (WAMI)
MF Steger, BJ Dik, RD Duffy
Journal of career Assessment 20 (3), 322-337, 2012
Calling and vocation at work
BJ Dik, RD Duffy
The Counseling Psychologist 37 (3), 424, 2009
The psychology of working theory.
RD Duffy, DL Blustein, MA Diemer, KL Autin
Journal of counseling psychology 63 (2), 127, 2016
Research on calling: What have we learned and where are we going?
RD Duffy, BJ Dik
Journal of Vocational Behavior 83 (3), 428-436, 2013
Unemployment in the time of COVID-19: A research agenda
DL Blustein, R Duffy, JA Ferreira, V Cohen-Scali, RG Cinamon, BA Allan
Journal of vocational behavior 119, 103436, 2020
Development and validation of the calling and vocation questionnaire (CVQ) and brief calling scale (BCS)
BJ Dik, BM Eldridge, MF Steger, RD Duffy
Journal of career assessment 20 (3), 242-263, 2012
Calling and work-related outcomes: Career commitment as a mediator
RD Duffy, BJ Dik, MF Steger
Journal of Vocational Behavior 78 (2), 210-218, 2011
The presence of and search for a calling: Connections to career development
RD Duffy, WE Sedlacek
Journal of Vocational Behavior 70 (3), 590-601, 2007
Fostering meaningful work in organizations: A multi-level review and integration
EI Lysova, BA Allan, BJ Dik, RD Duffy, MF Steger
Journal of vocational behavior 110, 374-389, 2019
Perceiving a calling, living a calling, and job satisfaction: Testing a moderated, multiple mediator model.
RD Duffy, EM Bott, BA Allan, CL Torrey, BJ Dik
Journal of Counseling Psychology 59 (1), 50-59, 2012
The development and initial validation of the Decent Work Scale
RD Duffy, BA Allan, JW England, DL Blustein, KL Autin, RP Douglass, ...
Journal of counseling psychology 64 (2), 206, 2017
Testing the choice model of social cognitive career theory across Holland themes: A meta-analytic path analysis
HB Sheu, RW Lent, SD Brown, MJ Miller, KD Hennessy, RD Duffy
Journal of Vocational Behavior 76 (2), 252-264, 2010
Beyond the self: External influences in the career development process
RD Duffy, BJ Dik
The Career Development Quarterly 58 (1), 29-43, 2009
Work as a calling: A theoretical model.
RD Duffy, BJ Dik, RP Douglass, JW England, BL Velez
Journal of counseling psychology 65 (4), 423, 2018
Calling and life satisfaction: it's not about having it, it's about living it.
RD Duffy, BA Allan, KL Autin, EM Bott
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (1), 42, 2013
Calling and vocation in career counseling: Recommendations for promoting meaningful work.
BJ Dik, RD Duffy, BM Eldridge
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 40 (6), 625, 2009
The salience of a career calling among college students: Exploring group differences and links to religiousness, life meaning, and life satisfaction
RD Duffy, WE Sedlacek
The Career Development Quarterly 59 (1), 27-41, 2010
Calling and Life Satisfaction Among Undergraduate Students: Investigating Mediators and Moderators
RD Duffy, BA Allan, EM Bott
Journal of Happiness Studies 13 (3), 469-479, 2012
Sense of control and career adaptability among undergraduate students
RD Duffy
Journal of Career Assessment 18 (4), 420, 2010
Career adaptability and academic satisfaction: Examining work volition and self efficacy as mediators
RD Duffy, RP Douglass, KL Autin
Journal of Vocational Behavior 90, 46-54, 2015
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