Usman K. Sapaev
Usman K. Sapaev
The Tashkent branch of the russian Gubkin university and Tashkent state technical university
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General second-harmonic pulse shaping in grating-engineered quasi-phase-matched nonlinear crystals
UK Sapaev, DT Reid
Optics Express 13 (9), 3264-3276, 2005
Combined action of the bound-electron nonlinearity and the tunnel-ionization current in low-order harmonic generation in noble gases
U Sapaev, A Husakou, J Herrmann
Optics express 21 (21), 25582-25591, 2013
Pulse shaping via backward second harmonic generation
M Conforti, C De Angelis, UK Sapaev, G Assanto
Optics Express 16 (3), 2115-2121, 2008
Designer femtosecond pulse shaping using grating-engineered quasi-phase-matching in lithium niobate
Ł Kornaszewski, M Kohler, UK Sapaev, DT Reid
Optics letters 33 (4), 378-380, 2008
Engineered quasi-phase matching for multiple parametric generation
UK Sapaev, G Assanto
Optics Express 17 (5), 3765-3770, 2009
Femtosecond pulse synthesis by efficient second-harmonic generation in engineered quasi phase matching gratings
U K. Sapaev, G Assanto
Optics Express 15 (12), 7448-7457, 2007
Quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in noble gases employing ultrasound
UK Sapaev, I Babushkin, J Herrmann
Optics Express 20 (20), 22753-22762, 2012
Theory of second-harmonic generation for limited laser beams in nonlinearcrystals
UK Sapaev, IA Kulagin, T Usmanov
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 5 (4), 355, 2003
Efficient high-harmonic generation in engineered quasi-phase matching gratings
UK Sapaev, G Assanto
Optics Express 16 (1), 1-6, 2007
Optimization of type-II frequency doubling of spatial and temporal limited laser light in nonlinear crystals
UK Sapaev, J Kutzner, K Finsterbusch
Optical and quantum electronics 37, 515-527, 2005
Strong-interaction approximation in the theory of second harmonic generation of intense short laser pulses
IA Kulagin, UK Sapaev, T Usmanov
Optical and quantum electronics 32, 1289-1294, 2000
Frequency Doubling Of Femtosecond Laser Pulses In Nonlinear Photonic Crystals With Account Of High-Order Dispersion
AN Olimov, ZJ Ruziev, DB Yusupov, UK Sapaev
Journal of Russian Laser Research 40 (3), 280-287, 2019
Multistep third-harmonic generation of femtosecond laser pulses in periodically-poled and chirped-periodically-poled lithium niobate
DB Yusupov, UK Sapaev
Journal of Russian Laser Research 30, 321-326, 2009
Nonstationary frequency doubling in periodically-poled nonlinear crystals in the presence of self-action effects
IA Kulagin, UK Sapaev, T Usmanov, AA Uzakov, DB Yusupov
Journal of Russian Laser Research 28, 279-287, 2007
On the theoretical analysis of parametric amplification of femtosecond laser pulses in crystals with a regular domain structure
OI Sabirov, DB Yusupov, NA Akbarova, UK Sapaev
Physics of wave phenomena 30 (4), 277-282, 2022
Nonlinear Optics in Photonic Crystals
DB Yusupov, UK Sapaev
Tashkent, FAN, 128, 2012
Nonlinear pulse compression by the second-harmonic generation in quasiphase and group-velocity matched samples
UK Sapaev, IA Kulagin, T Usmanov, G Assanto
Journal of Russian Laser Research 32, 41-46, 2011
Optimum formation of the response of aperiodic nonlinear crystals in the process of second harmonic generation
UK Sapaev
Optics and Spectroscopy 102, 939-943, 2007
Theory of backward second-harmonic generation of short laser pulses in periodically and aperiodically poled nonlinear crystals
UK Sapaev, DB Yusupov, AA Sherniyzov, AA Uzakov
Journal of Russian Laser Research 33, 196-210, 2012
Optimization of third harmonic generation for two coupled three-frequency interactions of waves with multiple frequencies in periodic crystals
UK Sapaev, IA Kulagin, NK Satlikov, T Usmanov
Optics and spectroscopy 101, 983-985, 2006
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