Colin G. Farquharson
Colin G. Farquharson
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland
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Non-linear inversion using general measures of data misfit and model structure
CG Farquharson, DW Oldenburg
Geophysical Journal International 134 (1), 213-227, 1998
A comparison of automatic techniques for estimating the regularization parameter in non-linear inverse problems
CG Farquharson, DW Oldenburg
Geophysical Journal International 156 (3), 411-425, 2004
Joint inversion of seismic traveltimes and gravity data on unstructured grids with application to mineral exploration
PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson, CA Hurich
Geophysics 77 (1), K1-K15, 2012
Constructing piecewise-constant models in multidimensional minimum-structure inversions
CG Farquharson
Geophysics 73 (1), K1-K9, 2008
Simultaneous 1D inversion of loop–loop electromagnetic data for magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity
CG Farquharson, DW Oldenburg, PS Routh
Geophysics 68 (6), 1857-1869, 2003
3D finite-element forward modeling of electromagnetic data using vector and scalar potentials and unstructured grids
S Ansari, CG Farquharson
Geophysics 79 (4), E149-E165, 2014
Three-dimensional finite-element modelling of magnetotelluric data with a divergence correction
CG Farquharson, MP Miensopust
Journal of Applied Geophysics 75 (4), 699-710, 2011
A finite-volume solution to the geophysical electromagnetic forward problem using unstructured grids
H Jahandari, CG Farquharson
Geophysics 79 (6), E287-E302, 2014
Gradient and smoothness regularization operators for geophysical inversion on unstructured meshes
PG Lelievre, CG Farquharson
Geophysical Journal International 195 (1), 330-341, 2013
Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data for mineral exploration: An example from the McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan, Canada
CG Farquharson, JA Craven
Journal of Applied Geophysics 68 (4), 450-458, 2009
3D vector finite-element electromagnetic forward modeling for large loop sources using a total-field algorithm and unstructured tetrahedral grids
J Li, CG Farquharson, X Hu
Geophysics 82 (1), E1-E16, 2017
Approximate sensitivities for the electromagnetic inverse problem
CG Farquharson, DW Oldenburg
Geophysical Journal International 126 (1), 235-252, 1996
Finite-volume modelling of geophysical electromagnetic data on unstructured grids using potentials
H Jahandari, CG Farquharson
Geophysical Journal International 202 (3), 1859-1876, 2015
Inversion of time-domain electromagnetic data for a horizontally layered Earth
CG Farquharson, DW Oldenburg
Geophysical Journal International 114 (3), 433-442, 1993
Geologically constrained gravity inversion for the Voisey's Bay ovoid deposit
CG Farquharson, MR Ash, HG Miller
The Leading Edge 27 (1), 64-69, 2008
Three effective inverse Laplace transform algorithms for computing time-domain electromagnetic responses
J Li, CG Farquharson, X Hu
Geophysics 81 (2), E113-E128, 2016
A finite-element time-domain forward solver for electromagnetic methods with complex-shaped loop sources
J Li, X Lu, CG Farquharson, X Hu
Geophysics 83 (3), E117-E132, 2018
A study of fuzzy c-means coupling for joint inversion, using seismic tomography and gravity data test scenarios
A Carter-McAuslan, PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson
Geophysics 80 (1), W1-W15, 2015
Forward modeling of gravity data using finite-volume and finite-element methods on unstructured grids
H Jahandari, CG Farquharson
Geophysics 78 (3), G69-G80, 2013
An algorithm for the three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data
CG Farquharson, DW Oldenburg, E Haber, R Shekhtman
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2002, 649-652, 2002
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