Manat Chaijan
Manat Chaijan
Professor of Food Science, Walailak University
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Changes of lipids in sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) muscle during iced storage
M Chaijan, S Benjakul, W Visessanguan, C Faustman
Food chemistry 99 (1), 83-91, 2006
Changes of pigments and color in sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) and mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) muscle during iced storage
M Chaijan, S Benjakul, W Visessanguan, C Faustman
Food chemistry 93 (4), 607-617, 2005
Biochemical and gelling properties of tilapia surimi and protein recovered using an acid-alkaline process
S Rawdkuen, S Sai-Ut, S Khamsorn, M Chaijan, S Benjakul
Food Chemistry 112 (1), 112-119, 2009
Characteristics and gel properties of muscles from sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) and mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) caught in Thailand
M Chaijan, S Benjakul, W Visessanguan, C Faustman
Food Research International 37 (10), 1021-1030, 2004
Lipid and myoglobin oxidations in muscle foods.
M Chaijan
Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology 30 (1), 2008
Chemical compositions and characterisation of skin gelatin from farmed giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas)
A Jongjareonrak, S Rawdkuen, M Chaijan, S Benjakul, K Osako, ...
LWT-Food Science and Technology 43 (1), 161-165, 2010
Physicochemical changes of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) muscle during salting
M Chaijan
Food Chemistry 129 (3), 1201-1210, 2011
Physicochemical properties, gel-forming ability and myoglobin content of sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) and mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) surimi produced by …
M Chaijan, S Benjakul, W Visessanguan, C Faustman
European Food Research and Technology 222, 58-63, 2006
Interrelationship between myoglobin and lipid oxidations in oxeye scad (Selar boops) muscle during iced storage
C Wongwichian, S Klomklao, W Panpipat, S Benjakul, M Chaijan
Food Chemistry 174, 279-285, 2015
Physicochemical properties and gel-forming ability of surimi from three species of mackerel caught in Southern Thailand
M Chaijan, W Panpipat, S Benjakul
Food Chemistry 121 (1), 85-92, 2010
Extraction, purification and properties of trypsin inhibitor from Thai mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek)
S Klomklao, S Benjakul, H Kishimura, M Chaijan
Food chemistry 129 (4), 1348-1354, 2011
Chemical compositions and characteristics of farm raised giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) muscle
M Chaijan, A Jongjareonrak, S Phatcharat, S Benjakul, S Rawdkuen
LWT-Food Science and Technology 43 (3), 452-457, 2010
Mechanism of oxidation in foods of animal origin
M Chaijan, W Panpipat
Natural Antioxidants, 1-37, 2017
Preservation of chilled Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) steak by whey protein isolate coating containing polyphenol extract from ginger, lemongrass, or green tea
S Chaijan, W Panpipat, A Panya, LZ Cheong, M Chaijan
Food Control 118, 107400, 2020
Functional properties of pH-shifted protein isolates from bigeye snapper (Priacanthus tayenus) head by-product
W Panpipat, M Chaijan
International Journal of Food Properties 20 (3), 596-610, 2017
Characterisation of myoglobin from sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) dark muscle
M Chaijan, S Benjakul, W Visessanguan, C Faustman
Food Chemistry 100 (1), 156-164, 2007
Physicochemical and gelling properties of short-bodied mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma) protein isolate prepared using alkaline-aided process
M Chaijan, W Panpipat, S Benjakul
Food and bioproducts processing 88 (2-3), 174-180, 2010
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of protein from Bombay locusts and its impact on functional and antioxidative properties
P Kingwascharapong, M Chaijan, S Karnjanapratum
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 17320, 2021
Tuning the pH-shift protein-isolation method for maximum hemoglobin-removal from blood rich fish muscle
M Abdollahi, S Marmon, M Chaijan, I Undeland
Food Chemistry 212, 213-224, 2016
24 kDa Trypsin: a predominant protease purified from the viscera of hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus× Clarias gariepinus)
S Klomklao, S Benjakul, H Kishimura, M Chaijan
Food chemistry 129 (3), 739-746, 2011
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