Kyle M. Frost
Kyle M. Frost
UMass Chan Medical School
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Identifying and measuring the common elements of naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions for autism spectrum disorder: Development of the NDBI-Fi
KM Frost, J Brian, GW Gengoux, A Hardan, SR Rieth, A Stahmer, ...
Autism 24 (8), 2285-2297, 2020
The relationship between social experience and subjective well-being in autistic college students: A mixed methods study
KM Bailey, KM Frost, K Casagrande, B Ingersoll
Autism 24 (5), 1081-1092, 2020
“I just want them to see me as… me”: Identity, community, and disclosure practices among college students on the autism spectrum
KM Frost, KM Bailey, BR Ingersoll
Autism in Adulthood 1 (4), 268-275, 2019
The relationship between subtypes of repetitive behaviors and anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder
KM Russell, KM Frost, B Ingersoll
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 62, 48-54, 2019
Restricted and repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum disorder: A review of associated features and presentation across clinical populations
K Berry, K Russell, K Frost
Current Developmental Disorders Reports 5, 108-115, 2018
A method for defining the CORE of a psychosocial intervention to guide adaptation in practice: Reciprocal imitation teaching as a case example
SR Edmunds, KM Frost, RC Sheldrick, A Bravo, D Straiton, K Pickard, ...
Autism 26 (3), 601-614, 2022
Correlates of adaptive functioning in minimally verbal children with autism spectrum disorder
KM Frost, N Hong, C Lord
American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 122 (1), 1-10, 2017
Balancing fidelity and flexibility: Usual care for young children with an increased likelihood of having autism spectrum disorder within an early intervention system
K Pickard, H Mellman, K Frost, J Reaven, B Ingersoll
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-13, 2021
Measuring child social communication across contexts: Similarities and differences across play and snack routines
KM Frost, GN Koehn, KM Russell, B Ingersoll
Autism Research 12 (4), 636-644, 2019
Using qualitative content analysis to understand the active ingredients of a parent-mediated naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention
KM Frost, K Russell, B Ingersoll
Autism 25 (7), 1935-1945, 2021
Positive predictors of life satisfaction for autistic college students and their neurotypical peers
K Casagrande, KM Frost, KM Bailey, BR Ingersoll
Autism in Adulthood 2 (2), 163-170, 2020
Revisiting the simplification of adult language input in the context of naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions: A commentary
KM Frost, B Ingersoll, CE Venker
Autism Research 15 (10), 1799-1809, 2022
Brief report: Response to joint attention and object imitation as predictors of expressive and receptive language growth rate in young children on the autism spectrum
KM Frost, A Pomales-Ramos, B Ingersoll
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 54 (3), 1213-1220, 2024
Factors that influence clinical decisions about offering parent coaching for autistic youth served within the Medicaid system
D Straiton, K Frost, B Ingersoll
Implementation research and practice 4, 26334895231153631, 2023
Relative efficacy of self-directed and therapist-assisted telehealth models of a parent-mediated intervention for autism: Examining effects on parent intervention fidelity …
B Ingersoll, KM Frost, D Straiton, AP Ramos, M Howard
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 54 (10), 3605-3619, 2024
Mapping the active ingredients and mechanisms of change of a naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention using mixed methods
KM Frost, B Ingersoll
Journal of early intervention 46 (2), 155-173, 2024
Considerations for effective dissemination of evidence-based early intervention approaches
SR D’Agostino, KM Frost, K Pickard
Autism 28 (11), 2943-2945, 2024
Preschool Teachers’ Perceptions and Use of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention Strategies: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Investigation
SR D’Agostino, KM Frost
Journal of Early Intervention, 10538151241235613, 2024
Using thin-slice ratings to measure social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder
KM Frost, KM Russell, B Ingersoll
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 74, 101550, 2020
Utilization of Developmental and Behavioral Intervention Techniques in Usual Care: Initial Validation of a Self-Report Rating Scale in a Sample of Applied Behavior Analysis …
KM Frost, BR Ingersoll
INSAR 2020 Virtual Meeting, 2020
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