Syed Haider
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The repertoire of mutational signatures in human cancer
LB Alexandrov, J Kim, NJ Haradhvala, MN Huang, AW Tian Ng, Y Wu, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 94-101, 2020
The molecular taxonomy of primary prostate cancer
A Abeshouse, J Ahn, R Akbani, A Ally, S Amin, CD Andry, M Annala, ...
Cell 163 (4), 1011-1025, 2015
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes
PCAWG Consortium
Nature 578, 82–93, 2020
International network of cancer genome projects
International Cancer Genome Consortium
Nature 464 (7291), 993, 2010
Ensembl BioMarts: a hub for data retrieval across taxonomic space
RJ Kinsella, A Kähäri, S Haider, J Zamora, G Proctor, G Spudich, ...
Database 2011, bar030, 2011
BioMart–biological queries made easy
D Smedley, S Haider, B Ballester, R Holland, D London, G Thorisson, ...
BMC genomics 10, 1-12, 2009
The evolutionary history of 2,658 cancers
M Gerstung, C Jolly, I Leshchiner, SC Dentro, S Gonzalez, D Rosebrock, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 122-128, 2020
Ensembl 2009
TJP Hubbard, BL Aken, S Ayling, B Ballester, K Beal, E Bragin, S Brent, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_1), D690-D697, 2009
Ensembl 2007
TJP Hubbard, BL Aken, K Beal, B Ballester, M Cáccamo, Y Chen, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_1), D610-D617, 2007
The BioMart community portal: an innovative alternative to large, centralized data repositories
D Smedley, S Haider, S Durinck, L Pandini, P Provero, J Allen, O Arnaiz, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (W1), W589-W598, 2015
Patterns of somatic structural variation in human cancer genomes
Y Li, ND Roberts, JA Wala, O Shapira, SE Schumacher, K Kumar, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 112-121, 2020
International Cancer Genome Consortium Data Portal—a one-stop shop for cancer genomics data
J Zhang, J Baran, A Cros, JM Guberman, S Haider, J Hsu, Y Liang, ...
Database 2011, bar026, 2011
Genomic hallmarks of localized, non-indolent prostate cancer
M Fraser, VY Sabelnykova, TN Yamaguchi, LE Heisler, J Livingstone, ...
Nature 541 (7637), 359-364, 2017
Comprehensive analysis of chromothripsis in 2,658 human cancers using whole-genome sequencing
I Cortés-Ciriano, JJK Lee, R Xi, D Jain, YL Jung, L Yang, D Gordenin, ...
Nature genetics 52 (3), 331-341, 2020
Ensembl 2008
P Flicek, BL Aken, K Beal, B Ballester, M Cáccamo, Y Chen, L Clarke, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D707-D714, 2007
Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes
E Rheinbay, MM Nielsen, F Abascal, JA Wala, O Shapira, G Tiao, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 102-111, 2020
BioMart Central Portal—unified access to biological data
S Haider, B Ballester, D Smedley, J Zhang, P Rice, A Kasprzyk
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_2), W23-W27, 2009
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition
B Rodriguez-Martin, EG Alvarez, A Baez-Ortega, J Zamora, F Supek, ...
Nature genetics 52 (3), 306-319, 2020
Pathway and network analysis of cancer genomes
P Creixell, J Reimand, S Haider, G Wu, T Shibata, M Vazquez, ...
Nature methods 12 (7), 615-621, 2015
The landscape of viral associations in human cancers
M Zapatka, I Borozan, DS Brewer, M Iskar, A Grundhoff, M Alawi, N Desai, ...
Nature genetics 52 (3), 320-330, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20