Richard M. Clerkin
Richard M. Clerkin
UNCW: Betty and Dan Cameron Family Distinguished Professor of Innovation in the Nonprofit Sector
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Public administration: Understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector
DH Rosenbloom, RS Kravchuk, RM Clerkin
Routledge, 2022
Public service motivation in undergraduate giving and: Volunteering decisions
RM Clerkin, SR Paynter, JK Taylor
The American Review of Public Administration 39 (6), 675-698, 2009
The dimensions of public service motivation and sector work preferences
RM Clerkin, JD Coggburn
Review of Public Personnel Administration 32 (3), 209-235, 2012
The capacities and challenges of faith‐based human service organizations
RM Clerkin, KA Grønbjerg
Public Administration Review 67 (1), 115-126, 2007
An exploratory study of public service motivation and the institutional–occupational model of the military
JK Taylor, RM Clerkin, KM Ngaruiya, ALK Velez
Armed Forces & Society 41 (1), 142-162, 2015
Exploring the use of outcome measures in human service nonprofits: Combining agency, institutional, and organizational capacity perspectives
C Lee, RM Clerkin
Public Performance & Management Review 40 (3), 601-624, 2017
The politics of donations: Are red counties more donative than blue counties?
LE Paarlberg, R Nesbit, RM Clerkin, RK Christensen
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 48 (2), 283-308, 2019
Exploring the relationship between public service motivation and formal and informal volunteering
RM Clerkin, E Fotheringham
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs 3 (1), 23-39, 2017
Means, motive and opportunity: Exploring board volunteering
MA Walton, RM Clerkin, RK Christensen, LE Paarlberg, R Nesbit, ...
Personnel Review 46 (1), 115-135, 2017
Examining the landscape of Indiana’s nonprofit sector: Does what you know depend on where you look?
KA Grønbjerg, RM Clerkin
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 34 (2), 232-259, 2005
Place, time, and philanthropy: Exploring geographic mobility and philanthropic engagement
RM Clerkin, LE Paarlberg, RK Christensen, RA Nesbit, M Tschirhart
Public Administration Review 73 (1), 97-106, 2013
Public service motivation and institutional-occupational motivations among undergraduate students and ROTC cadets
KM Ngaruiya, ALK Velez, RM Clerkin, JK Taylor
Public Personnel Management 43 (4), 442-458, 2014
The adoption of outcome measurement in human service nonprofits
C Lee, RM Clerkin
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs 3 (2), 111-134, 2017
Religious motivations and social service volunteers: The interaction of differing religious motivations, satisfaction, and repeat volunteering
RM Clerkin, JE Swiss
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 9, 2013
Light and dark sides of nonprofit activities and the rules to manage them: The case of charitable bingo
RK Christensen, RM Clerkin, R Nesbit, LE Paarlberg
Administration & Society 41 (2), 213-234, 2009
Public service motivation and political action in college undergraduates
JK Taylor, RM Clerkin
Politics & Policy 39 (5), 715-740, 2011
Perceptions of nonprofits and for-profit social enterprises: Current trends and future implications
K Albrecht, S Varkey, K Colville, R Clerkin
The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership 8 (3), 2018
Philanthropic mobility and the influence of duration of donor residency on donation choices
R Nesbit, R Christensen, M Tschirhart, R Clerkin, L Paarlberg
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 26 …, 2015
Does Charging Nonprofit Volunteers Affect Their Satisfaction?
RM Clerkin, JE Swiss
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 24 (4), 487-501, 2014
Infrastructure and activities: relating IT to the work of nonprofit organizations
RM Clerkin, KA Gronbjerg
Symposium on Information Technology Adoption in the Nonprofit Sector, 2004
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