Shi Cao
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Augmented-reality-based indoor navigation: A comparative analysis of handheld devices versus google glass
U Rehman, S Cao
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (1), 140-151, 2017
Texting while driving: Is speech-based text entry less risky than handheld text entry?
J He, A Chaparro, B Nguyen, RJ Burge, J Crandall, B Chaparro, R Ni, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 72, 287-295, 2014
Detection of Driver Vigilance Level Using EEG Signals and Driving Contexts
Z Guo, Y Pan, G Zhao, S Cao, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 67 (1), 370-380, 2018
Participatory design of a virtual reality exercise for people with mild cognitive impairment
M Eisapour, S Cao, L Domenicucci, J Boger
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
Shaping driver-vehicle interaction in autonomous vehicles: How the new in-vehicle systems match the human needs
X Sun, S Cao, P Tang
Applied Ergonomics 90, 103238, 2021
Virtual Reality Exergames for People Living with Dementia Based on Exercise Therapy Best Practices
M Eisapour, S Cao, L Domenicucci, J Boger
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
Concurrent processing of vehicle lane keeping and speech comprehension tasks
S Cao, Y Liu
Accident Analysis and Prevention 59, 46-54, 2013
Development and Implementation of a Self-Optimizable Smart Lighting System Based on Learning Context in Classroom
B Sun, Q Zhang, S Cao
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (4), 1217, 2020
Immersive Virtual Reality Exergames for Persons Living With Dementia: User-Centered Design Study as a Multistakeholder Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic
J Muñoz, S Mehrabi, Y Li, A Basharat, LE Middleton, S Cao, ...
JMIR Serious Games 10 (1), e29987, 2022
Hazard perception in driving: A systematic literature review
S Cao, S Samuel, Y Murzello, W Ding, X Zhang, J Niu
Transportation Research Record 2676 (12), 666-690, 2022
Participatory design and evaluation of virtual reality games to promote engagement in physical activity for people living with dementia
M Eisapour, S Cao, J Boger
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 7 …, 2020
Game play in virtual reality driving simulation involving head-mounted display and comparison to desktop display
S Cao, K Nandakumar, R Babu, B Thompson
Virtual Reality 24 (3), 503-513, 2020
Augmented reality-based indoor navigation using google glass as a wearable head-mounted display
U Rehman, S Cao
2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1452-1457, 2015
Texting while driving: is speech-based texting less risky than handheld texting?
J He, A Chaparro, B Nguyen, R Burge, J Crandall, B Chaparro, R Ni, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2013
Modeling the effect of limited sight distance through fog on car-following performance using QN-ACTR cognitive architecture
C Deng, C Wu, S Cao, N Lyu
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 643-654, 2019
Investigating user activities and the corresponding requirements for information and functions in autonomous vehicles of the future
P Tang, X Sun, S Cao
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 80, 103044, 2020
Current practice and challenges in coaching Esports players: An interview study with league of legends professional team coaches
B Sabtan, S Cao, N Paul
Entertainment Computing 42, 100481, 2022
Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction Using Machine Learning Methods
A Misra, S Samuel, S Cao, K Shariatmadari
IEEE Access, 2023
Queueing network–adaptive control of thought rational (QN–ACTR): an integrated cognitive architecture for modelling complex cognitive and multi–task performance
S Cao, Y Liu
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 4 (1), 63-86, 2013
Virtual Reality Applications in Rehabilitation
S Cao
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 3-10, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20