George Krause
George Krause
Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor of Public Administration, University of Georgia
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Reputation and public administration
DP Carpenter, GA Krause
Public Administration Review 72 (1), 26-32, 2012
The Republicans should pray for rain: Weather, turnout, and voting in US presidential elections
BT Gomez, TG Hansford, GA Krause
The Journal of Politics 69 (3), 649-663, 2007
Voters, information heterogeneity, and the dynamics of aggregate economic expectations
GA Krause
American Journal of Political Science, 1170-1200, 1997
Political appointments, civil service systems, and bureaucratic competence: Organizational balancing and executive branch revenue forecasts in the American states
GA Krause, DE Lewis, JW Douglas
American Journal of Political Science 50 (3), 770-787, 2006
Presidential use of executive orders, 1953-1994
GA Krause, DB Cohen
American Politics Quarterly 25 (4), 458-481, 1997
Transactional authority and bureaucratic politics
D Carpenter, GA Krause
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 25 (1), 5-25, 2015
A two way street: the institutional dynamics of the modern administrative state
GA Krause
University of Pittsburgh Pre, 2010
Institutional design versus reputational effects on bureaucratic performance: Evidence from US government macroeconomic and fiscal projections
GA Krause, JW Douglas
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 15 (2), 281-306, 2005
The institutional dynamics of policy administration: Bureaucratic influence over securities regulation
GA Krause
American Journal of Political Science, 1083-1121, 1996
Opportunity, constraints, and the development of the institutional presidency: The issuance of executive orders, 1939–96
GA Krause, JE Cohen
Journal of Politics 62 (1), 88-114, 2000
State legislative professionalism and gubernatorial effectiveness, 1978-1991
RJ Dilger, GA Krause, RR Moffett
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 553-571, 1995
The Diversity Paradox: parties, legislatures, and the organizational foundations of representation in America
K Kanthak, G Krause
Oxford University Press, 2012
The scientific study of bureaucracy: An overview
KJ Meier, GA Krause
Politics, policy, and organizations: Frontiers in the scientific study of …, 2003
Federal Reserve policy decision making: Political and bureaucratic influences
GA Krause
American Journal of Political Science, 124-144, 1994
Experiential learning and presidential management of the US federal bureaucracy: Logic and evidence from agency leadership appointments
GA Krause, AJ O'Connell
American Journal of Political Science 60 (4), 914-931, 2016
Politics, policy, and organizations: Frontiers in the scientific study of bureaucracy
GA Krause, KJ Meier
University of Michigan Press, 2009
Race, issue heterogeneity and public policy: the Republican revolution in the 104th US Congress and the representation of African-American policy interests
KJ Whitby, GA Krause
British Journal of Political Science 31 (3), 555-572, 2001
Explaining bureaucratic optimism: Theory and evidence from US executive agency macroeconomic forecasts
GA Krause, JK Corder
American Political Science Review 101 (1), 129-142, 2007
Valuing diversity in political organizations: Gender and token minorities in the US House of Representatives
K Kanthak, GA Krause
American Journal of Political Science 54 (4), 839-854, 2010
Organizational complexity and coordination dilemmas in US executive politics
GA Krause
Presidential Studies Quarterly 39 (1), 74-88, 2009
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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