Giulia Flamini
Giulia Flamini
professore organizzazione aziendale, Politecnica delle Marche University
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Organizing a sustainable smart urban ecosystem: Perspectives and insights from a bibliometric analysis and literature review
R Palumbo, MF Manesh, MM Pellegrini, A Caputo, G Flamini
Journal of Cleaner Production 297, 126622, 2021
Disentangling the implications of teleworking on work–life balance: a serial mediation analysis through motivation and satisfaction
R Palumbo, G Flamini, L Gnan, MM Pellegrini, D Petrolo, ...
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 9 (1), 68-88, 2022
Entrepreneurial approach for open innovation: opening new opportunities, mapping knowledge and highlighting gaps
G Flamini, MM Pellegrini, M Fakhar Manesh, A Caputo
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 28 (5), 1347-1368, 2022
A systems approach to the digital transformation of public administration
S Armenia, C Nunzio, L Gnan, G Flamini
Prospettive in organizzazione 14, 2021
The determinants of tax aggressiveness in family firms: an investigation of Italian private family firms
G Flamini, P Vola, L Songini, L Gnan
Sustainability 13 (14), 7654, 2021
Exploiting inter-organizational relationships in health care: A bibliometric analysis and literature review
R Palumbo, MF Manesh, MM Pellegrini, G Flamini
Administrative Sciences 10 (3), 57, 2020
Looking for meanings at work: unraveling the implications of smart working on organizational meaningfulness
R Palumbo, G Flamini, L Gnan, MM Pellegrini
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 31 (3), 624-645, 2023
Family leadership, family involvement and mutuality HRM practices in family SMEs
G Flamini, D Pittino, F Visintin
Journal of Family Business Strategy 13 (2), 100468, 2022
Forty years of research on human resource management in family firms: analyzing the past; preparing for the future
G Flamini, L Gnan, MM Pellegrini
Journal of Family Business Management 11 (3), 264-285, 2021
Setting the conditions for open innovation in the food industry: unravelling the human dimension of open innovation
R Palumbo, MF Manesh, MM Pellegrini, G Flamini
British Food Journal 124 (6), 1786-1809, 2022
A round of dancing and then one more: embedding intuition in the ballet of entrepreneurial decision making
MF Manesh, G Flamini, D Petrolo, R Palumbo
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 18 (2), 499-528, 2022
Opportunity recognition in family entrepreneurship: voluntaristic and deterministic orientations of individual cognitions
C Wang, MM Pellegrini, W Czakon, L Gnan, G Flamini
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 32 (1), 101-122, 2020
Entrepreneurial decision-making and family social capital
C Wang, G Flamini, K Wang, R Pei, C Chen
Management Decision 59 (5), 938-952, 2021
Agri-food entrepreneurship. Harvesting, growing and reseeding the orchard through a bibliometric study
D Petrolo, M Fakhar Manesh, MM Pellegrini, G Flamini
British Food Journal 124 (7), 2396-2426, 2022
Il futuro del lavoro si chiama “smart working”? Riflessioni e prospettive
G Antonelli, R Agrifoglio, R Bissola, F Buonocore, R Cuel, Y Curzi, ...
Prospettive in Organizzazione 2023, 2023
A forty years' Literature Review on HRM in Family Businesses: Re-shaping the Research Agenda
G Flamini, L Gnan
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 13851, 2017
Bridging the gap between TQM and HRM: mapping knowledge and identifying areas for future research
G Flamini, L Pareschi, M Martinez
The TQM Journal 36 (3), 720-742, 2024
Family firms’ HRM practices configurations: An empirical analysis
G Flamini, L Gnan
Fourteenth annual international academic conFerence on European integration …, 2019
Sustainable HRM
G Flamini, L Gnan
Organizing Sustainable Development, 172-186, 2023
Designing and Implementing HR Management Systems in Family Businesses
L Gnan, G Flamini
IGI Global, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20