Juan Robles
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Formulas for the Drazin inverse of special block matrices
N Castro-González, E Dopazo, J Robles
Applied Mathematics and Computation 174 (1), 252-270, 2006
Characterizations of a class of matrices and perturbation of the Drazin inverse
N Castro-González, J Robles, JY Vélez-Cerrada
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 30 (2), 882-897, 2008
Expressions for the Moore–Penrose inverse of block matrices involving the Schur complement
N Castro-González, MF Martínez-Serrano, J Robles
Linear Algebra and its Applications 471, 353-368, 2015
Environmental geomechanics
L Vulliet, L Laloui, B Schrefler
EPFL Press, 2002
The group inverse of 2× 2 matrices over a ring
N Castro-González, J Robles, JY Vélez-Cerrada
Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (9), 3600-3609, 2013
On the generalized Drazin inverse in Banach algebras in terms of the generalized Schur complement
J Robles, MF Martinez-Serrano, E Dopazo
Applied Mathematics and Computation 284, 162-168, 2016
Block representations for the Drazin inverse of anti-triangular matrices
E Dopazo, MF Martínez-Serrano, J Robles
Filomat 30 (14), 3897-3906, 2016
A triaxial constitutive model for unsaturated soils
J Robles, FJ Elorza
Environmental geomechanics, 207-213, 2002
Error bounds for the perturbation of the Drazin inverse under some geometrical conditions
JY Vélez-Cerrada, J Robles, N Castro-González
Applied mathematics and computation 215 (6), 2154-2161, 2009
Preference learning from interval pairwise data. A distance-based approach
E Dopazo, M Ruiz-Tagle, J Robles
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2007: 8th …, 2007
A distance-based method for preference information retrieval in paired comparisons
E Dopazo, J González-Pachón, J Robles
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, 66-73, 2005
An extension of the perturbation analysis for the Drazin inverse
N Castro-González, M Martínez-Serrano, J Robles
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 22, 539-556, 2011
Propuesta de adaptación de las enseñanzas de Cálculo Numérico al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
D Barrios, ED González, V Martín, JL Pérez, J Robles, J Setién, ...
INECE 2009: III Jornadas internacionales UPM sobre innovación educativa y …, 2009
Caracterización y representación de una clase de matrices perturbadas en el contexto de la inversa de Drazin
J Robles Santamarta, JY Vélez Cerrada
Universidad del Pais Vasco, 2008
Un modelo de deformabilidad para suelos no saturados
J Robles Santamarta
Minas, 2001
Caracterización y representación de una clase de matrices perturbadas en el contexto de la inversa de Drazin
J Robles, JY Vélez-Cerrada
Adaptacion de la materia de Analisis Numerico a la docencia de ingenierıa informatica en el Espacio Europeo de Educacion Superior
D Barrios, E Dopazo, V Martın, JL Perez, J Robles, J Setien, A Tabernero
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–17