Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review G Wendin
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (10), 106001, 2017
1162 2017 Quantum information processing and communication: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe P Zoller, T Beth, D Binosi, R Blatt, H Briegel, D Bruß, T Calarco, JI Cirac, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2005
477 2005 Andreev bound states in high-Tc superconductingjunctions T Löfwander, VS Shumeiko, G Wendin
Superconductor Science and Technology 14 (5), R53, 2001
374 2001 Electron shake-up and correlation satellites and continuum shake-off distributions in X-Ray photoelectron spectra of the rare gas atoms S Svensson, B Eriksson, N Mårtensson, G Wendin, U Gelius
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 47, 327-384, 1988
317 1988 Radio-frequency single-electron transistor as readout device for qubits: Charge sensitivity and backaction A Aassime, G Johansson, G Wendin, RJ Schoelkopf, P Delsing
Physical Review Letters 86 (15), 3376, 2001
313 2001 Quantum bits with Josephson junctions G Wendin, VS Shumeiko
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277 2007 Theory of subharmonic gap structure in superconducting mesoscopic tunnel contacts EN Bratus, VS Shumeiko, G Wendin
Physical review letters 74 (11), 2110, 1995
267 1995 Strong dynamical effects of many-electron interactions in photoelectron spectra from 4s and 4p core levels G Wendin, M Ohno
Physica Scripta 14 (4), 148, 1976
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Physical review letters 90 (8), 087003, 2003
225 2003 Arbitrary accuracy iterative quantum phase estimation algorithm using a single ancillary qubit: A two-qubit benchmark M Dobšíček, G Johansson, V Shumeiko, G Wendin
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222 2007 Selective coupling of superconducting charge qubits mediated by a tunable stripline cavity M Wallquist, VS Shumeiko, G Wendin
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196 2006 Electronic delocalization in discotic liquid crystals: a joint experimental and theoretical study X Crispin, J Cornil, R Friedlein, KK Okudaira, V Lemaur, A Crispin, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (38), 11889-11899, 2004
174 2004 A many-body calculation of 3p XPS and Auger spectra for Zn M Ohno, G Wendin
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 12 (8), 1305, 1979
154 1979 Superconducting quantum circuits, qubits and computing G Wendin, VS Shumeiko
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101 2006 Multiple Andreev reflection in single-atom niobium junctions B Ludoph, N Van der Post, EN Bratus, EV Bezuglyi, VS Shumeiko, ...
Physical Review B 61 (12), 8561, 2000
99 2000 Bremsstrahlung Resonances and Appearance-Potential Spectroscopy near the Thresholds in Metallic Ba, La, and Ce G Wendin, K Nuroh
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