Ali Selamat
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Water feature extraction and change detection using multitemporal Landsat imagery
K Rokni, A Ahmad, A Selamat, S Hazini
Remote sensing 6 (5), 4173-4189, 2014
A systematic literature review of software requirements prioritization research
P Achimugu, A Selamat, R Ibrahim, MN Mahrin
Information and software technology 56 (6), 568-585, 2014
Consequences of industry 4.0 in business and economics
P Maresova, I Soukal, L Svobodova, M Hedvicakova, E Javanmardi, ...
Economies 6 (3), 46, 2018
Breast cancer detection using infrared thermal imaging and a deep learning model
SJ Mambou, P Maresova, O Krejcar, A Selamat, K Kuca
Sensors 18 (9), 2799, 2018
Industry 4.0 for the construction industry—how ready is the industry?
R Maskuriy, A Selamat, KN Ali, P Maresova, O Krejcar
Applied Sciences 9 (14), 2819, 2019
Hybrid sentiment classification on twitter aspect-based sentiment analysis
N Zainuddin, A Selamat, R Ibrahim
Applied Intelligence 48, 1218-1232, 2018
Industry 4.0 for the construction industry: Review of management perspective
R Maskuriy, A Selamat, P Maresova, O Krejcar, OO David
Economies 7 (3), 68, 2019
Sentiment analysis using support vector machine
N Zainuddin, A Selamat
2014 international conference on computer, communications, and control …, 2014
Web page feature selection and classification using neural networks
A Selamat, S Omatu
Information sciences 158, 69-88, 2004
A survey on malware and malware detection systems
IA Saeed, A Selamat, AMA Abuagoub
International Journal of Computer Applications 67 (16), 2013
A combined negative selection algorithm–particle swarm optimization for an email spam detection system
I Idris, A Selamat, NT Nguyen, S Omatu, O Krejcar, K Kuca, M Penhaker
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 39, 33-44, 2015
Digital learning demand for future education 4.0—Case studies at Malaysia education institutions
SDA Bujang, A Selamat, O Krejcar, P Maresova, NT Nguyen
Informatics 7 (2), 13, 2020
Modified frequency-based term weighting schemes for text classification
T Sabbah, A Selamat, MH Selamat, FS Al-Anzi, EH Viedma, O Krejcar, ...
Applied Soft Computing 58, 193-206, 2017
Deep learning for phishing detection: Taxonomy, current challenges and future directions
NQ Do, A Selamat, O Krejcar, E Herrera-Viedma, H Fujita
Ieee Access 10, 36429-36463, 2022
Combination of active learning and self-training for cross-lingual sentiment classification with density analysis of unlabelled samples
MS Hajmohammadi, R Ibrahim, A Selamat, H Fujita
Information sciences 317, 67-77, 2015
An empirical study based on semi-supervised hybrid self-organizing map for software fault prediction
G Abaei, A Selamat, H Fujita
Knowledge-Based Systems 74, 28-39, 2015
Comparative studies on breast cancer classifications with k-fold cross validations using machine learning techniques
Z Nematzadeh, R Ibrahim, A Selamat
2015 10th Asian control conference (ASCC), 1-6, 2015
Improved email spam detection model with negative selection algorithm and particle swarm optimization
I Idris, A Selamat
Applied Soft Computing 22, 11-27, 2014
Modeling of route planning system based on Q value-based dynamic programming with multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms
M Zolfpour-Arokhlo, A Selamat, SZM Hashim, H Afkhami
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 29, 163-177, 2014
Smart and climate-smart agricultural trends as core aspects of smart village functions
A Adesipo, O Fadeyi, K Kuca, O Krejcar, P Maresova, A Selamat, ...
Sensors 20 (21), 5977, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20